IMHO these numbers are way too high for a 4 frame scenario and somebody has to work on server's stability..... or the frustration kicked in ??

The disco total should not be interpreted with such a broad brush...
Among the others things that my program will look at is the "preponderance" of discos per certain/individual players...and then cast a median or mean...
In other words, data indicates that certain players experience discos far above the analyzing server performance for an event, it would be incumbent on us to wash out these players and track the other players remaining...
I would be far more concerned if all of those discos were single events for single players...but that is far from the case.
Data indicates the servers are stable, and a minority of players routinely have issues with discos...
This could be there own hardware/connections/systems...
Interestingly it provides us with a list of players who do have routine problems, and that might be helpful for techs like Skuzzy to look for corrallary circumstances in an effort to
help those players...
Another flag to set in log/data analysis is a cascade event of discos...where a ton of players get the boot in a short or nearly instantaneous time frame...and that might indicate some sort of breakdown on the backbone of the net at a hub or switch...
There is no statistical aberration regarding disco's for Red Storm Krupp Steel