Author Topic: AI Mission loader for admins in the SE and Axis vs Allies arenas  (Read 182 times)

Offline Mister Fork

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AI Mission loader for admins in the SE and Axis vs Allies arenas
« on: September 11, 2009, 12:14:00 PM »
Enable the off-line missions to allow arena admins to load-up the skies with AI missions.  This would allow admins for the SEA and the AvA theatre's to enhance special events by filling roles that players normally would not like to fly, but shoot down (i.e. bomber or attack formations) or act as escort. 

SEA: It would allow admins to script certain gameplay elements of events ahead of time and give the player a better immersion feeling of a real life event.

AVA: It would allow admins to pre-load missions on a nightly/weekly basis that are related to the period piece being represented in the weekly setup.  It would give players continual targets to shoot down, and give a better environmental immersion factor if the admins can script day-long events via the 'on-line AI mission loader.'

Imagine coming into an arena and seeing several AI B-25 bomber formation flying overhead - they need cover and support because you know your opponents across the pond in Okinawa are upping in their Zero's to shoot them down.
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Offline jimson

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Re: AI Mission loader for admins in the SE and Axis vs Allies arenas
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2009, 08:40:44 PM »
I like it.

It would add alot of flexibility to existing scenarios and could lead to some new things as well.