No Thor, I don't project anything. I look at all of the data with the same objectivity, and I never bank anything on a single piece of data. It's just like investigating anything else, you find all of the resources you can, cross reference known data, find other data that may not be directly linked but is nontheless pertinent to the path towards a conclusion, find supporting data, study the science behind the data, then put it all together and attempt to validate it using every aspect.
That one piece of paper is not absolute irrefutable evidence. The translation may say approved limits, but without any other pages from the test report, there is a significant lack of context under which that statement was made. Was it an experimental flap design? Was it an experimental wing design? Was it a controlled stress test of the flap and wing together or just the flap? Was it a live test to the point of failure on every increment (which means someone risked life and limb for each increment)? What exactly failed at each level? Those questions and others must be asked and answered before the data can be valid.
109/110 flap test sheetI got that piece of paper from the same source that coughed up the one you have and he believed there were 9 sheets but didn't have them all.