Author Topic: New format for wishlist  (Read 421 times)

Offline sparow

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New format for wishlist
« on: October 02, 2009, 07:47:37 PM »
I wish that every post in the wishlist starts automatically by "I wish" [blank field] followed by "because" [blank text box] followed by pre-formatted bullets and ends with "for the above reasons this would be an excellent evolution for Aces High."

I also wish that the name in the boards had to be same that in-game and that no-one be able to post in wishlist without, at least, 50 hours of game experience.

Also wish that the wishlist had a sticky with the basic concept of equipment featured and a short list of what never will be added.

I make this wish because it's painfull to go over dozens of posts with the same subjects forcing the same answers, over and over again...

For saving time to all, this would be an excellent evolution for Aces High and this BB.

Also, may I suggest automatic SEARCH triggered by the subject of the post? That would save many people's face...

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Offline EskimoJoe

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Re: New format for wishlist
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2009, 07:50:40 PM »
Sparow, those who are likely to make a B-29 post are also likely to not read the forum's rules.

Put a +1 on your geekness atribute  :aok

Offline 100Coogn

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Re: New format for wishlist
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 08:01:15 PM »
I can see it now.  As soon as somebody types 'B-29', or 'submarine', they are kicked out of here before they knew what hit them. 
I don't think that would fly to well.  The reason being, not everyone knows that these things have been asked for time and time again.  Even though there is the search feature, who's going to take the time to search every little nook & kranny, just for a wish of there own?

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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: New format for wishlist
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2009, 08:22:10 PM »
ironic how he didn't follow his own suggested format.   :D

Offline Nemisis

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Re: New format for wishlist
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2009, 09:47:54 PM »
Sparow, those who are likely to make a B-29 post are also likely to not read the forum's rules.


I bet your right. I think this would be a great idea, but its NEVER been said by any HTC staff member (As far as I'm aware at any rate) that the B-29, subs, Jagdpanther, M12, etc. will never be added so all it can contain is "lazer guided munitions, nukes, infinite ammo, lazers, 100,000,000lb bombs, or anything simmilar to these will never be added".

But Heres what I think it should look like

I wish___________ Because:

( "*"'s added when you click a button that would be added)
followed by a space for specs, pics, disscusion, etc. 

For the above reason(s), I think_____________ would be a great addition to AH2.

And all of those who wish to say:
"No, it will never happen even though no one but somewhere near half of the BB posters says it won't"
should have to fill out a simmilar form looking like the following which will be avalable by button after the OP. This will also elimintate "I wish this were banned because I'm annoyed that no one listens to my rants about uber server destroying B-29's" threads.

I think_____________ wont be added/usefull because:

(again a blank space for specs, diagrams, pics, disscussion, etc.)

For the above reasons I think___________ should not be added.

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