Author Topic: Need specifics on US star and bar size/ratio/etc  (Read 801 times)

Offline Krusty

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Need specifics on US star and bar size/ratio/etc
« on: October 03, 2009, 01:10:50 AM »
For a star and bar on a P-40E wing, would the blue of the star and the blue of the outline be the same? Or different shades? Also, I tried looking online and could not find a handy ratio guide for this marking. They're all over for RAF and other concentric-ring roundels, but not too many exist for US stars and bars.

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Need specifics on US star and bar size/ratio/etc
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2009, 01:47:00 AM »
What you will run into are examples of Star and Bar where the blue is the same.  You will also find the star and bar with the red outline.  And you will find in between examples where the red has been overpainted in blue and it might not exactly match

Go here and download the various national markings that include the different star and bar variations.
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Offline Krusty

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Re: Need specifics on US star and bar size/ratio/etc
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2009, 08:52:02 PM »

Offline Saxman

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Re: Need specifics on US star and bar size/ratio/etc
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2009, 10:37:18 PM »
What you will run into are examples of Star and Bar where the blue is the same.  You will also find the star and bar with the red outline.  And you will find in between examples where the red has been overpainted in blue and it might not exactly match

Go here and download the various national markings that include the different star and bar variations.

Take a look at my Kepford F4U-1A. This was one of the cases that Guppy mentions of a red surround that was overpainted. The surround is fresher, so appears as a darker blue. However the national insignia were all painted with Insignia White stars and bars, and Insignia Blue for the field and surround. The red surrounds, and dots in the middle of the stars early in the war were done in Insignia Red.

As far as the size of the insignia, I think there's some variation depending on the type of the aircraft, and will also depend on whether it was the roundel only, or had the bars as well. Even then there were variations. Some of VF-6's F4Fs had oversized roundels on the fuselage, as did the F4Fs flown by VMO-251.
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