Was surprised recently that I ran down 2 Typhoons on the deck this past week in an F4U-1A. I looked at the plane vs plane charts and to my surprise the F4U-1a is faster above 5k while the Typhoon is faster on the deck but, not by much. In both cases we did a couple of turns and the Typhoon then tried to run. So it must be that the f4 accelerates a little faster or the Typhoon had rocket rails or maybe nobs from dropping eggs. Not sure on the latter.
I'm also starting to think the initial turn of the typhoon is a bit better than the f4u-1a. Both times the Typhoon got inside of my turn initially but couldn't hold it. Now that may be because of an e advantage on my part. Not sure.
I just found it interesting and thought I would bring it up for further consideration.