I to have flown FS9&10 quite alot,tho I admit I havent used the latest version alot.
First thing you'll notice you dont have the flight parameters that FS has,the closest AH has is stall limiter,this is found in options,preferences,flight. I suggest you turn that off and learn to fly without it,IIRC it's set to on by default.
Secondly the flight model in AH is far superior to anything FS has to offer and this may well be why your having some difficulties and why FS is much easier.
The view system is highly important,as in "lose sight,lose fight" so I suggest you adjust your views to get to optimum view for each hatswitch position.It's advisable to map a button for "look up" as this can be combined with the hat for additional views.
I've been quite busy with RL problems as of late but soon that should be done and I urge you to look me up or any trainer for that matter in the training arena and I'll gladly walk you through as much of the game commands and options as possible.
Just a reminder,your free 2 weeks starts as soon as you log online,so make the most of offline practice as you can and when ready venture into the training arena and dont be afraid to ask for help,there's usually many players around who will help if there doesnt happen to be a trainer in the arena at the time.