My first try was on baltic in LW blue. Went in KI-67's dodging radar around bases, encountered a 163 right off and quickly took his wing off befor he could do any real damage to my formation.
Made it to target and bombed troop training fairly well and was chased out by a 109 and another 163. Smoked the 109 but the 163 got 2 of my flight befor it gave up the chase. Ended up ditching the last plane in the trees.
second attempt, Rookland in LW Orange, KI's again 20K.
Made it a good way in with a red dar shadowing me in the next sector, I finally could see a dot behind me and it turned out to be DackOne in a 38. We exchanged some 1K shots, He smoked my left hand drones engine and poked a few holes in the first exchange.
Dack dove off to the right and swung up behind for another volley poking more holes and I returned the favor.
I think he finally got impatient because in his last attempt he hung out on my 6 for far to long and well, here is the result

After he lost that engine he just couldn't keep up with my rice paper planes and i proceeded to bomb the city strat bringing it down by 10%.
I then dove away because i was out of tail gun ammo and ran all the way back to bishland NOE having to leave my wounded bomber behind as it couldn't keep up. Reports vary on what happened to that brave crew.
I believe damage landed was around 1600 or something.
The latest flight was Sat. night with Thndr's squad. He took several flights of 234's from directly east and I lead a group of KI's Escorted by a few 47's from the NE for who ever couldn't afford or didn't want to fly the 234's. It worked out well Thndr's group encountered a few 262's I believe but made it to target just before our KI's got there. we made our run on radar and city and the 234's hit ord.
We then fought our way out against several cons losing FlackBaits flight in the process. The 3 flights that made it out landed about 1500 to 1600 damage each if I remember right, seems to be about standard for KI's.
It worked out well