I remember one fight me in a F4U vs a A6M5, it started to turn into a hard turning stallfight and I saw my doom about to come as we tumbled and looped down towards the deck. I was pretty new in the game as well and had just barely started to get some good credits for doing some decent fights in my hog..
But I was far from any expert, I still am not, far from it!
But the reason I remember this fight in particular was how I managed to get on that zero's 6 by a miracle..
We were going in a right hand turn just above the deck, the flaps was fully down, as were my gear also. So I was barely flying, stall buffet screaming and plane wobbling around and I saw the zero in the opposite side of our circle gaining inches on me for every turn..
I knew I was dead, I had to work something out, fast.
I realized he would get me after a few more turns anyway so I had to change tactics, I started to ease my turn slightly, letting my flap up one notch or two (don't remember exactly, its a long time ago) and applying rudder so I started to spiralclimb on the border of stall. At this point the zero gained on me fast, but he was still doing circles on the deck as I gained some alt on him so I slowly started to look down at him.
Then, just as I figured I had just enough alt above the deck I flattened my climb for a sec gained just enough speed to manage a backflip with flaps back on full again. So I did a backwards loop and ended up just above the deck again and right on the zero's 6, and that was the end of the fight.
Have tried to copy that move ever since, but never managed to pull it off again. So I guess it was one of those moves that you get once in a lifetime just by pure luck and all the given circumstances being just right there and then.
Have been flying the hog now for almost 2 years, and slowly starting to understand the plane better and better. Reading your tactics on how you fight the zero MtnMan I must say I learned alot just by reading this and watching your film. And I hope to get a training session with you some day so I may learn some more tricks and tactics in my hog. I have been kinda stuck lately, feeling I have ran out of tricks in my bag..