Shouldn't this be a positive value?
Delta H is negative from losing 1000 feet. Maybe I set my formula up wrong in Excel. From the aircraft, it appears to have a nose down attitude. The math is not my strong suit.
@ Boomerlu: If we find the Cd at this condition (basically a clean aircraft), we can then create accurate thrust numbers without having to worry about prop efficiency calculations, which are difficult to create, or we can actually derive prop efficiency numbers, should we so choose, because Thrust = Drag in unaccelerated flight. If you look through that website I posted above, there's a whole battery of performance data we can create once we find some of these flight test numbers. We could also do glide tests with different loads on the plane (drop tanks of different sizes) to determine their contribution to drag. For example, do the 75 gallon DTs create less drag than the 150 gallon DTs? How much? We could also compare the different P-47s to each other. The D-11 in-game is always said to have less drag than the bubble tops. How much? What impact does the bubble top have on drag. Anyway, tons of potential to do some research on the different aircraft in-game. I happen to be a P-47 fanboi, so I started with the Jug.