Last I checked it is considered child endangerment to "expose" your child to your confrontation with another adult as in shufflers 5 year old comment. Men don't hide behind children. As for my education, used to be Annapolis, West Point, Harvard, Yale, Princton and other Ivy Leauge graduates had a foundation in the 100 Great Works standard which included everything you mistake as intimate knowlege. By the time I left college it was common knowlege to know Shakespere, Chaucer and Ceasers Commentairies. You knew Cato the Elder was a practitioner of the Gaulic style of oratory because it was studied as a debating style. Suppose this is why POTW nicknamed me "Grandpaw".
By the way Saurdaukar, I met real life Saurdaukar in N. Africa. They wore Kepi and didn't bring children into their fights.
Its just not sinking in, is it, Gramps?
PS: I met Fremen in South Africa. They drank their own piss.
I can.
Ironically enough, I've got private messages from a few of your squaddies who specifically stated that you do not speak for them. So, as would be expected, I laughed when I saw the above.