Author Topic: segments?  (Read 816 times)

Offline viper38

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« on: March 22, 2010, 08:28:54 PM »
 How do i make segments and way points?  i looked for it in the help folder in the ME but can't find it can some body help?

Offline MachNix

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Re: segments?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 01:29:53 PM »
So we have a common starting point let us make a new mission.

1. After you start the Mission Editor, go File > New to create a new mission.

2. Go File > Save to open the Save As window and enter a file name and click Save.  The Title Bar of the Mission Editor will show the path and your new file name.

3. In the right-hand pane of the Mission Editor there will be a single mission (NewMission) listed.  Double click NewMission to open the Mission Properties window.  The mission name is what will be displayed in the game when looking for a practice mission.  After making what changes you like, click OK to close the properties window.

4. Place a checkmarks in View Icons and View Terrain.  Double-click the field that you want your mission to start from.  The view will zoom in on the field.  Use ctrl+right-mouse-button to move the view so you can see the strating end of the runway (or taxiway depending on where you want you mission to start).  Use shift+right-mouse-button to zoom in and out. 

5.Right-click in the right-hand pane and select Add Route.  A widow will open telling you to set the starting waypoint.  Left-click once and then move your mouse a short distance and you will see a green arrow.  Left-click again to mark the end of the start segment and the beginning of the next waypoint.  Continue adding way ponts by left-clicking or using the Add By Heading and Distance option.  Click Ok when done.  You can go back and add more waypoint by right-clicking the route and selecting Add Way Points.

6. After adding the route, you will see New Route with a number of way points (WP 0 for example) listed underneath.  Double-click the name New Route if you wish to changes its name.

7. To add the segments, right-click the way point and select Add Segment.  A segment properties window will open.  Set what you want to happen on the segment like the segment type, altitude and speed.  Depending on what you are doing, you will want to click the Fill Segment To End and the Caculate buttons to set the segment length and calculate the time.  Click OK when done.

That is the basics for adding way points and segment.  Hopefully the help section will answer any other questions.  You learn by doing so start with some simple test missions first before going for the epic battles.
