Author Topic: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)  (Read 33835 times)

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #330 on: December 14, 2009, 01:22:22 PM »
note: if you shoot a so called ace down he will beach n yap, he will say the town or field ack got him, not your bullets. or he will accuse you of cheating or say it is lag. and he will put you down in the BBS. get other guys to gangbang you on the forums. and some more accusations, when it is your internet connection and there is nothing you can do about it. And you like to play the game too just like they do too, yet when you shoot a enemy down and it turns out to be the guy who despises you, be prepared to be accused some more and put down like you are cheating when you are not. <S> to all fellow aces highers who understands
in loving memory of OZ <Eagles21>
 miss you bro!

Offline thorsim

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #331 on: December 14, 2009, 01:23:43 PM »
i am recent to this game, why are you not bothered by his stacking things in his favor?

where are the discussions that you once again wrongly attributed to me BTW?

Well, all I know is he didn't offer the challenge to duel in another game.  You accepting the challenge on the condition that it take place in another game is sad to say the least.  Though, having seen you fly in the MW arena, I understand why you would try and stack things in your favor.

THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #332 on: December 14, 2009, 01:24:19 PM »
well theres 20 mins Ill never get back  :rolleyes:

And to Thor I think you need to put this in and try it out anybody got a Tylenol

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Offline thorsim

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #333 on: December 14, 2009, 01:26:12 PM »
no sir i asked for an example of extreme flap deployment in that thread, which that quoted encounter is not.

in this thread i asked for a current unbiased expert/pilot opinion which it is not either.

Quotes for what?  About P-38 pilots out maneuvering Bf 109s in combat?  I think I already pointed you in the direction of another thread you were whining about the flap in that had an AAR from a P-38 flight that out maneuvered and defeated a numerically superior group of Bf 109s in a low level encounter.  But since that AAR doesn't support your argument, you've dismissed it like anything else that has been shown contrary to what you argue.

Care to post any data that backs up anything you've argued?  

THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
Axis Co-Op
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Offline Gwjr2

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #334 on: December 14, 2009, 01:30:20 PM »
Rule #4
« Last Edit: December 14, 2009, 03:18:44 PM by hitech »
Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same.

Offline thorsim

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #335 on: December 14, 2009, 01:34:36 PM »
ahh well i tried to stop this on page 15 ...

don't worry about the TOS in regards to arguing with people swimming upstream here, they rarely are applied. 
THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
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Quote from: oldman
Good call.  Ignore the people who actually flew the real planes against each other.

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #336 on: December 14, 2009, 01:37:17 PM »
Thorsim does that mean your not going to respond to my posts?
HTC Please show the blue planes some love!
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Offline thorsim

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #337 on: December 14, 2009, 01:40:07 PM »
i saw it just now i must have missed it with the lag give me a min ...

Thorsim does that mean your not going to respond to my posts?
THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
Axis Co-Op
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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #338 on: December 14, 2009, 01:40:43 PM »
i am recent to this game, why are you not bothered by his stacking things in his favor?

where are the discussions that you once again wrongly attributed to me BTW?

This is the one where you had no clue as to how the dive flaps worked in the P-38 and showed a general lack of understanding how flaps worked in general.  I also think this was the thread the AAR was posted in when you wanted someone to post something that showed a P-38 pilot using flaps in a fight.,275682.0.html

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #339 on: December 14, 2009, 01:43:04 PM »
no sir i asked for an example of extreme flap deployment in that thread, which that quoted encounter is not.

in this thread i asked for a current unbiased expert/pilot opinion which it is not either.

The AAR is as unbiased and from an expert view as you can get.  Again, it's a common thing with you.  You ignore the data that is contrary to your argument and then try and change what the argument is when you've shown to be wrong. 

Are you related to Crump?

"If Jesus came back as an airplane, he would be a P-38." - WW2 P-38 pilot
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Offline thorsim

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #340 on: December 14, 2009, 01:46:43 PM »
sir the f104 was compromised in its maneuverability to improve it's hight speed interceptor role, the crusader was much more intended to establish air superiority it was presented previously and i pointed out that this plane was an exception.  respectfully i have not tried to use the U2 as an example to prove my point.  

Thorsim does that mean your not going to respond to my posts?
THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
Axis Co-Op
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Offline mtnman

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #341 on: December 14, 2009, 01:48:50 PM »
in this thread i asked for a current unbiased expert/pilot opinion

Is there such a thing?  For any of the planes in question?  How do we know they're not biased?  Having an opinion is basically having a bias.  How do we know how "expert" they really are, in the questions we're asking?

Can you supply what you ask for, to support your take on the subject at hand- the F4U vs 109?

Forget the duels/ego/whatever...  Seriously, if you ever want to work with someone in the TA, let me know.  It would even follow the current subject, since you seem to favor the 109's, and I favor the F4U.

I'm not looking to beat you; I'd be looking to help you improve.  PM's are fine.  I'm not in the business of gloating over who I work with/beat/whatever.  Sessions would be private, with no "leak" of subject matter/skill/whatever to the "public".  Just an honest offer...

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Offline thorsim

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #342 on: December 14, 2009, 01:52:13 PM »
no sir i never questioned flap usage in the 38, i questioned extreme deflection flap usage in combat.  that account does not suggest flap deflections in the extreme as you and others suggested that it did.

AARs are always biased as there is only information from one pilots point of view, very much unlike the video i posted where the pilots in the respective aircraft are working together to evaluate the respective performance of the two aircraft.  

This is the one where you had no clue as to how the dive flaps worked in the P-38 and showed a general lack of understanding how flaps worked in general.  I also think this was the thread the AAR was posted in when you wanted someone to post something that showed a P-38 pilot using flaps in a fight.,275682.0.html

THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
Axis Co-Op
Quote from: any number of idiots here
blah blah Blah
Quote from: oldman
Good call.  Ignore the people who actually flew the real planes against each other.

Offline thorsim

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #343 on: December 14, 2009, 01:56:39 PM »
thank you for the offer when are you in the DA/TA?

well the account i posted the pilots were pilots of several airframes the accounts in disagreement were from pilots with no experience in regards to 1/2 the equation.  both are published, well regarded, and referred to by media sources.



Is there such a thing?  For any of the planes in question?  How do we know they're not biased?  Having an opinion is basically having a bias.  How do we know how "expert" they really are, in the questions we're asking?

Can you supply what you ask for, to support your take on the subject at hand- the F4U vs 109?

Forget the duels/ego/whatever...  Seriously, if you ever want to work with someone in the TA, let me know.  It would even follow the current subject, since you seem to favor the 109's, and I favor the F4U.

I'm not looking to beat you; I'd be looking to help you improve.  PM's are fine.  I'm not in the business of gloating over who I work with/beat/whatever.  Sessions would be private, with no "leak" of subject matter/skill/whatever to the "public".  Just an honest offer...
THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
Axis Co-Op
Quote from: any number of idiots here
blah blah Blah
Quote from: oldman
Good call.  Ignore the people who actually flew the real planes against each other.

Offline mtnman

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Re: Plane vs Plane Tactics (Matchups)
« Reply #344 on: December 14, 2009, 01:58:22 PM »
i questioned extreme deflection flap usage in combat.  

Extreme flap deflections aren't the best option here in AH either.  It's a "known" but not necessarily "followed" fact.  Anything beyond 20 degrees in the F4U, for example, begins to hurt you...,271266.0.html

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson