Author Topic: Another Broader Rule Question...Logic in motion..  (Read 5135 times)

Offline oneway

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Re: Another Broader Rule Question...Logic in motion..
« Reply #30 on: December 16, 2009, 01:23:33 PM »

The logs clearly show that no A-20 violated the rules of engagement (as defined by the rules and interpreted by the CM's) and no damage (assist or kill) was inflicted in any frame yet the perception of a violation had a profound affect on the the point where it may very well have determined the final outcome. To me this is the underlying core issue, a player (or in this case a significant number of players) basically walking off a scenario midstream over a perceived infraction that did not in fact occur.

That whole sordid affair about the A-20 and the alleged tank bombing was indeed unfortunate, though I only heard bits and pieces of it...I was not privileged at the time to view the forums...nor have I bothered to look into to the details of it now that the forums are open...

The program that I have written and continue to write would have ended that discussion in 5 minutes by simply running the log for the frame in question and then outputting the BBS code showing clearly that no violations had occurred. What started as a spark, and grew to a conflagration would rarley happen with this tool at our disposal; here is yet another tremendous benefit of such a tool.

Rapid response to such claims and innuendo is the surest way to stop that sort of thing from happening... 

As to A-20's during the all groups or plane types, they had their share of issues including multiple life, invalid departure fields, invalid strat targets, rtb to wrong base...


Offline Strip

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Re: Another Broader Rule Question...Logic in motion..
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2009, 01:38:01 PM »
Your analysis of the A-20 situation is a bit off, Fencer immediately tried to put that fire out. He had a detailed post about his findings within mere hours after being made aware of it. He specifically said not one A-20 violated the rules that frame. That was a bomb looking for a fuse, regardless of having ended the discussion as far as rules were concerned. A few players made up there minds with apparently little regard for what really happened.

No amount of software or code could have stopped that in my opinion....

Edit: I started to question my timeline and looked back at the particular thread I had in mind. It was a little over two days before Fencer posted his findings, my mistake. Still stand by my comments tho....

« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 01:42:47 PM by Strip »

Offline oneway

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Re: Another Broader Rule Question...Logic in motion..
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2009, 01:48:25 PM »
Your analysis of the A-20 situation is a bit off, Fencer immediately tried to put that fire out. He had a detailed post about his findings within mere hours after being made aware of it. He specifically said not one A-20 violated the rules that frame. That was a bomb looking for a fuse, regardless of having ended the discussion as far as rules were concerned. A few players made up there minds with apparently little regard for what really happened.

No amount of software or code could have stopped that in my opinion....

Edit: I started to question my timeline and looked back at the particular thread I had in mind. It was a little over two days before Fencer posted his findings, my mistake. Still stand by my comments tho....


48 hours is a long time to wait...maybe it wouldn't have made a difference to have an answer in 5 minutes...again I was not privileged to what went down and the time line...I just picked up bits and pieces of it via PM's...spanning a few days...

I stand by my comments that it would make difference, and it certainly wouldn't hurt a thing to be able to able to respond rapidly and definitively.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 01:50:55 PM by oneway »

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Re: Another Broader Rule Question...Logic in motion..
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2009, 02:30:20 PM »
To me the issue wasn't the possibility of an infraction, it was the response. The moment that I read the relevant post on the BBS I immediately posted a link to my film for review. It clearly showed not only the actual event but the context. If nothing else this made it very clear that my intention was to actually mark the tank in question, very different from someone actually trying to hit the tank missing and then claiming another intent. Regardless of any individuals feelings on the subject both my intent and the event itself were clearly within the rules. To be candid the response was (and actually still is) very disturbing to me. My goal was to contribute in any way possible (within the rules) to achieve our goals for the frame. To me this little bit of ad-lib was exactly what a scenario is all about, finding a way to get the job done within the structure of the scenario. Obviously reading the axis forums its clear this was an ongoing issue predating this scenario and that a faction within the side had a very distinct agenda (curious if this caused the internal issues). When they got spanked they chose to focus on an perceived wrong and use it as an excuse to cut and run vs man up and do better the next frame.

To me this all ties in to the original post in that we're looking more and more to police transgressions. Specific to the A-20's I am unaware of any A-20 departing from anything other then the correct base at any time in the 4 frames. I am also unaware of any issues specific to multiple life's, invalid strat targets. RTB to "wrong base" is perfectly fine as long as a life is deducted...

I didn't read the oui oui oui thread till the next morning, Fencer responded in the thread in less then 3 hours, jolly also confirmed that I was in fact coordinating with him and that the tactic did in fact enable him to located the tiger in question. The issue isn't the action or the "lag" in response, its the reaction from those who disagrees with both my action and the CM's decision. Having a program that confirmed no actual damage was done sooner wouldn't have changed the response by the "offended parties". So in the end I'm somewhat upset that I inadvertently pissed in someones cheerio's and caused such discontent...but i'm more angry that a small group felt they had some unalienable right to manufacture an artificial sandbox to play in and caused what I feel were tremendous issues for the axis if we consider that the Tiger unit was unquestionably the lynch pin for both the axis ground defense and offense. To unilaterally bail over this is an unpardonable breach of scenario etiquette and i'm dismayed it wasn't dealt with more severely.   

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline oneway

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Re: Another Broader Rule Question...Logic in motion..
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2009, 10:00:11 PM »

RSKS output...without rules applied...

Refining BBS code output and crunching data....accurate and thorough scoring capability is just around the corner....

The switches are ready to be flipped according to the rules of the NEXT Scenario....

It will be in the hands of the switch designers and switch flippers if accuracy and totality is welcomed and/or warranted...

The capability is near to apply pure rule logic to the data sets...

Look out in the 2-3 weeks to see the comprehensive report output  and capabilities of this program, ranging from Overall Scenario Stats to Individual Pilot Reports...including Fighter to Fighter, Machine vs Machine, Friendly Fire, and the dreaded 'Dark Side Report'... and much more...



Red Storm / Krupp Steel Frames 1 through 4:

Pilots   193Pilots   188
Kills   776Bailed   34    |     Kills   635Bailed   42
Assists   471Captured   64    |     Assists   340Captured   55
Deaths   451Crashed   58    |     Deaths   548Crashed   58
Landed   1130Ditched   42    |     Landed   513Ditched   28
Destroyed      2353    Diso'd   47    |     Destroyed      1338    Disco'd   38
Sethbag   39Sethbag   141    |     dr7   36KKEN   106
WMLute   29cactus   140    |     Sloehand   34TheMaj   82
COLLEEN   28GypsyB   134    |     Coprhead   22Nutzoid   68
DrBone   26Tippo   132    |     shamus   19whiskers   67
Dantoo   23Krusty   118    |     HiSpd   17pope14   63
SirNuk3   23Strip   116    |     kansas2   17lothmog   61

The People:

Kills:   Sethbag       39
A2A Kills:   WMLute28
A2G Kills:   A8Moray9
G2G Kills:   Sethbag38
G2A Kills:   COLLEEN3
F2F Kills:   Dantoo18
F2B Kills:   SirNuk315
B2F Kills:   Soulyss6
Assists:   Snefens17
Awarded:   flight173
Destroyed:   Sethbag141
Base Objects:   Sethbag93
Strat Objects:   GypsyB117
Departures:   Tippo56
ReArms:   HiSpd8
Landed:   USRanger37
ShotDown:   XXXX22
SD-Captured:   XXXX1
SD-Crashed:   XXXX7
Bailed:   XXXX3
Captured:   XXXX4
Crashed:   XXXX4
Ditched:   XXXX2
Disco'd:   SD674

The Machines:

Fighter   Sorties   Kills   Deaths       K/D     Destroyed   Field   Factory  
Bf 109G-149080411.95110
Bf 109G-612138610.62202
Bf 109K-411982521.58330
Bf 110G-2286140.431610161
Fw 190A-8401071.43110
Fw 190D-9162143592.42110
Fw 190F-818399781.27477145332
Il-2 Type 314131670.461661633
Ju 88A-4919600.15505137368
Sherman VC Firefly16370820.8562593
Panzer IV H9330600.50271116
Tiger I104121701.73672344
SdKfz 2511061370.0321210
Gun Ship or Field157140----12120

BBS Code Generated by AcesHigh.Scenario.LogReader Class
A Scenario Planning, Management & Analysis program written by Oneway in C# .NET 3.5
Number of Auto-Generated Chars = 8953

« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 10:24:33 PM by oneway »

Offline oneway

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Re: Another Broader Rule Question...Logic in motion..
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2009, 10:33:55 PM »
Allied La-7 Group Leaders,

The Kill/Death ratio of the La-7 in RSKS is an astounding figure when you consider its predicated not on pilot ability, but the Machine driven...and more importantly the leadership of the La-7 groups....

Well done Allied La-7 Leaders....

A supreme effort to say the least

