Author Topic: Ammo loadout preferences  (Read 341 times)

Offline NCLawman

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Ammo loadout preferences
« on: March 17, 2010, 09:11:26 AM »
I realize this is a somewhat minute request, but something to think about......

Would it be possible to have various 'flight preferences' set to specific types of vehicle/aircraft?  Or, at least change the 'no tracers' option from the preferences clipboard to the ammo loadout hanger?

Reason for asking:  I like to fly without tracers in WWII planes, but with tracers in GVs and WWI planes.  And because I not the sharpest tool in the shed, I frequently forget to go back into options between flights and change the tracer setup back and forth.  It would be a lot easier to switch back and forth if there were a ammo loadout (like the gun packages) choice in the hanger to fire either with or without tracers.  After all, that is where the ammo would have been loaded into the plane/vehicle anyway.  Would it be possible to have a checkbox or ammo load selection that would allow one to choose this option -- no different that going with the 6 or 8 gun loadout for the p47s (as an example). 

Yes, it is a piddly request and certainly NOT a high priority given all the work currently being fine tuned and developed; but if you can get around to looking at it, I think a lot of people might appreciate the change requested.
Jeff / NCLawMan (in-game)

Those who contribute the least to society, expect the most from it.

Light travels faster than sound.  This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.