All the recent talk of NOE missions and horde tactics got me to thinking of offline missions.
Of course a mission editor that finally works for me helped as well, thank you HTC.

Allow me to present you with my latest offering. Noestrike. mission takes place on the ndisles map.
Defense is comprised of three groups of Hurri IIc's, Typhies, and Spit 9's, each group is launched three minutes apart.
The attacking force is comprised of a first wave of 12 190D's that will vulch your second and third flight of defenders on the runway.
Three 15 plane formations of 110's will come from the SW at 800' to hit the town.
Three 20 plane formations of JU88's will come from the W at 3000'. They will drop your fighter and bomber hangars.
Three 20 plane formations of JU87's will come from the NW to hit your town then dog fight any defenders.
Three 20 plane formations of C47's will come from the NW on the deck to land north of town.
Hope you enjoy.