Author Topic: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders  (Read 7978 times)

Offline Husky01

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #60 on: December 22, 2009, 05:49:16 PM »
La7s are great :)

Offline oneway

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #61 on: December 22, 2009, 08:29:07 PM »
This is the way I too have used to calculate the K/D. Did I understand correctly that your program can be configured how it counts the deaths? If that is the case, it is great and I do not see the point of this whole argument here since both ways can be used.

Exactley Right Have...

You can count Death or Life anyway you see fit...

What the program does is that it pareses the Log...

Then it fills in ALL of the missing holes in the Log such as the drones, reconciling who the "unknown" enemy was if it wasn't an autogun, missing launch fields because the logs were started too late, missing "rides" because the logs were started to even goes as far as taking into account formations that hot padded and turned drones back into the hanger...even if 1 or 2 drones were killed on the first leg of the sortie...

It tracks what a squads predominate base is, and what their predominate ride is to catch guys who decide to up from the wrong field or in the wrong ride...did you know that in the Beta 221 BAD never recorded a Departure Field?...the log started late and they hot padded the entire frame...In this unique and special case, the program is forced to assume the squad predominate field is the predominate landing field, not the predominate departure this case 221 BAD rtb'd finally at the end of the frame to A13...the program never was able to deduce the predominate ride of course...this is where the Human comes in and he assigns 221 BAD the A-20G for Beta...the program alerts the user to log anomaly and offers a solution...

It tracks what type and style of target was destroyed, where it was and when it even tracks and checks the ownership of a base through the course of frame and allows an object destroyed to be flagged because it belonged at the time to attacker...In RSKS, because you could attack your own country objects, I can print a full report of objects destroyed by their owners, and separate it by object type and style...during RSKS, it was quite common that just after a base had been continued to take fire from those attackers...until word got out that "WE GOT IT"....the program captures all of that because their is sub-module that is in essence a Title company that keeps track of who owned the base and feeding it an object destroyed time stamp it feeds back whether the destruction is valid or invalid...

It tracks whether a strat object was part of the viable strat types allowed for that RSKS one guy bombed the Radar Factory for checks that and knows it...

It tracks Friendly Fire, both Kills and Assists...and it does so by the type and style of the ride of both the attacker/victor and victim...It can output fighter to fighter FF, bomber to fighter FF, vehicle to vehicle FF...

It tracks every sortie including drones with respect to landing at a wrong field, hot padding an unauthorized field, landing too late....

It tracks hostilities that occurred after the call to end hostilities...

You can define the rules regarding troop transports and whether or not the transport driver captured a base or destroyed an object after his normal vehicle lives were used can even define a number of extra lives for gv guys for use of transports at the end of the frame...

It has the option to scrub out double teamers; guys who managed somehow to fly for both sides in a frame (yes they occur in the frame logs and did so in RSKS).

It has the option to scrub out unnamed pilots; sorties in the log that do not even have a pilot name ( yes even this rare oddity occurs and did so in RSKS)

It has the option to scrub out ZZZ No Squad if desired...

It has the option to scrub out guys who flew for squadrons demonstrably out of color such as Koko's Flying Circus...

It even checks for pilots that flew for more than one squad, on the same team for a frame...and yes this rare oddity occurs...and did so in pilot in RSKS started a frame in one squad, withdrew from that squad...and then joined another squad...his name is listed twice in the logs for that team...under two different this particular case I wrote a function that assigns this pilot to only 1 squad based on the time he spent joined to one of the two this case its the Pilots Predominate Squad check. This particular pilot upped a sortie with one squad then flew 4 other sorties in his Predominate Squad...the program allows you to scrub his non-predominate squad activity and achievement...the code and choices the user can make are that solid...that detailed...nothing is missed...

It checks launches from non-active airfields and vehicle bases as defined in the rules and set up by the RSKS over 100 sorties were flown by aircraft from non-active airfields...from airfields standing in as vehicle allows the user to scrub all of that if desired...its as simple as flipping a true/false switch for that rule...

It calculates the amount of bombs dropped by bombers by selecting the assumed load outs for those plane types...taking into consideration whether drones are disabled or enabled for that plane for that frame...

And of course it checks multiple lives. It allows the user to check what a life is and is tracks whether the pilot returned to the wrong field....

It allows the user to set up the bases that are active capture targets and defense targets, and apply a score or value to it. It allows the user to score the capture...or set a flag that checks only the end of the frame for the in RSKS...which was capture and keep, defend to the end...

The user is allowed to set up the scoring schema...and the program will PERFECTLY score an event...if you want to score like Brook had it where machines lost were a point for they does that...if you want to apply a higher score for certain types of aircraft or does that...if you want to score kills it will do that too...

All of this checking allows an even more profound capability...the ability to nullify the achievement of rule violators by any type of other words if you want to scrub out friendly fire vehicle losses or kills...check a box...if you want deny a team points gained by kills or objects destroyed by multiple lifers...check a box...

Of course stats and reports are part of well as scoring but it goes well beyond that...including mapping, routes, flight assignments, load outs, generated orders, email lists for team members so a commander can send out the orders...

Its about Scenario Planning, Management and Analysis...

The Log Reader is one of 3 modules...

I started the first two modules right after Coral Sea...the Log Reader was started on the eve of RSKS ...

Their are over 15 thousand lines of code in this program so far...

Just so I am crystal clear...I don't care what switches people want to flip...this tool is being built so we have the switches to flip...deciding is above my pay grade and irrelevant to long as we are all on the same page prior to the first frame...what the switches are, and which ones are flipped...then we live and die by the rules...

« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 09:27:47 PM by oneway »

Offline Fencer51

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #62 on: December 22, 2009, 10:01:02 PM »
But does it do Julienne Fries?  ;)
The names of the irrelevant have been changed to protect their irrelevance.
The names of the innocent and the guilty have not been changed.
As for the innocent, everyone needs to know they are innocent –
As for the guilty… they can suck it.

Offline oneway

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #63 on: December 22, 2009, 10:06:58 PM »
But does it do Julienne Fries?  ;)


Don't will be swept up in a dragnet one of these days...not yet...but everyone makes a mistake sooner or later...

Lucky this time...


Output: Pilot == Fencer (ALL Switches Flipped)
=====================INVALIDATED KILLS ========================
invalidated kills: 0
=====================INVALIDATED OBJECTS DESTROYED ========================
invalidated objects destroyed: 0

« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 10:19:12 PM by oneway »

Offline Fencer51

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Re: Astounding Perfomance By RS/KS La-7 Group Leaders
« Reply #64 on: December 22, 2009, 10:51:11 PM »
Its hard to get into trouble when you are at 200 feet and 300 mph the entire scenario.
The names of the irrelevant have been changed to protect their irrelevance.
The names of the innocent and the guilty have not been changed.
As for the innocent, everyone needs to know they are innocent –
As for the guilty… they can suck it.