Impressive number, but not quite 1 percent of the 195 nations of the world (192 in United Nations).
No Aces Highers from Russia, China, India, Israel, Egypt, Switzerland, Netherlands, Kuwait, Spain, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Monaco, etc?
to add to your list the few is mainly British + European. We have aroud 20 brits (that includes people from wales and scotland) more if you include inactive. Of our continental friends;
Swedish, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, N.Ireland, and a couple of aussies.
We have had the odd random nationality come along and then dissappear off the face. Brazilian / Turkish / Mexican. Of all of them one of the most interesting was when I flew a different game, I had a Japanese player on our ventrilo server. It amazed me that two different people from vastly different cultures and backgrounds can play the same silly computer game and work together breaching any language / communication barrier.
If your out there stelux I still love you man.