Author Topic: VP-11 "Black Cats" recruiting!  (Read 444 times)

Offline Ruler2

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VP-11 "Black Cats" recruiting!
« on: January 07, 2010, 03:31:32 PM »
VP-11 is a team oriented squadron consisting of all type of players, noobs, kids, experienced pilots, adults, even some members from other countries. In the squad, we try to make a concentrated effort to ensure that EVERYONE is treated equal, everyone gets a chance to voice their opinion on most issues/ plans, and anyone can bring up and issue or plan.

We all work together to get our task done, and in the process those of us that are better at some things than others will give tips and coaching so everyone can get back home alive.

Some of you may not like this squad because there is not really a rank or XO system set up, we like to go on a " hey, this guy has an idea, let's see how well he has it planned out and let him lead the mission if he has it set up right" deal.

There are no age requirements, just a willingness to work as a group with other pilots.

Squad nights, ehhh, we're not there yet, not enough members to have a nice sized group on at any given time most of the time.

I would advise any newer players to join this squad if they would like to learn how to do a little bit of everything without being dumped on by the more experienced players in this game.

Anyone interested in joining can PM me any time.