Author Topic: Net Videos: B-58 Tests, Rampaging P-47s, Black Cat PBYs, Superforts & more  (Read 125 times)

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Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In Big January 2010 Newsletter

Hello World War 2 & jet aircraft fans ---

You're invited to drop by Zeno's Drive-In for this month's showing of five exciting aviation documentary films playing over the Internet. This month we have a Premier plus all five films have been remastered for better web streaming.

As always, all of the videos showing on our web site are for your free viewing pleasure. The movies playing at the Matinee are now viewable in both RealVideo and Windows Media streaming video formats.

Now showing "At the Matinee" at Zeno's Drive-In

"The B-58 Hustler First Test Flight" Premier! Exclusive color corrected production from Military Arts Pictures. On Veterans Day, Nov 11th, 1956 Convair's revolutionary delta wing B-58 "Hustler" supersonic bomber took to the skies for the first time, piloted by B. A, Ericson. You'll see both low and high speed taxi testing, including front wheel lift off, delivering excellent footage of the silvery prototype from a number of angles. Then the test first flight takes the aircraft to Mach .7 at 20,000' and back down again without a hitch. You'll see it all in this memorable color film.

"The 362nd Fighter Group On the prowl over Germany " Exclusive original documentary -- some of the most exciting color air action sequences to come out of World War 2! Select 362nd Fighter Group P-47 Thunderbolt fighter/bombers were especially equipped with extra color movie cameras to capture thrilling ground and air attacks as they happened. The Thunderbolts struck targets inside Nazi Germany as the war against the Third Reich entered it's final act in Spring, 1945. The result is unique from the cockpit views putting you in the middle of attacks on tanks, airfields, trucks, rail yards, bridges, trains, fighters, and more. You'll even see antiaircraft fire arcing up from the ground, bursting around the big “Jugs” as they make their low level strikes. You'll see 362nd CO Col. Joe Laughlin and the pilots and crews of the 377th, 378th and 379th Fighter Squadrons and their aircraft in living color.

"Winged Artillery -- B-25G Mitchell Bombers in Action" Exclusive -- reconstructed audio & glorious color corrected video. Nine 75mm cannon firing B-25Gs of the 48th Bomb Squadron, 7AAF, based on Apamama in the Gilbert Islands, conduct a hair raising tree top level strike on the Japanese air base on Mille. Also features amazingly well preserved and very rare color footage of daily life of air crew and ground personnel stationed on the islands. As a bonus, you'll watch Sea Bees using heavy equipment to transform these hard won tropical atolls into fully functioning air bases and ground crews maintaining the Mitchell's massive canons.

“The Story of the Black Cat PBYs” with restored print. The identities of the previously undisclosed secret PBY base shown in this film and the men who flew from it are now revealed for the first time in this exclusive release. What was that mysterious plane swooping down out of the night sky on unsuspecting Japanese ships and bases, hundreds of miles from any known American airstrip? As you'll see in this good humored, affectionate film, the secret weapon was the slow, ungainly, but deadly "Black Cat" PBY. Originally designed primarily as a reconnaissance and antisubmarine amphibious patrol plane, the big twin engined Catalina's super long range, all weather capability, capacity to lug both bombs and radar, ability to loiter for hours hunting convoys and operate from anywhere in the watery PTO, made it an ideal naval night attack bomber. One of the least known stories of the war in the Pacific, these black painted PBY "VPB" ('Patrol Bombing") squadrons spread destruction and chaos far out of proportion to their relatively small numbers.

"Saipan Superforts" Exclusive original documentary from Military Arts Pictures This recently discovered footage shows the 73rd Bomb Wing, based on the island of Saipan in the Marianas, operating against Japan in early 1945. You'll see B-29 pilots & crews on R&R and on missions in their magnificent Superfortresses. The fates of many of the B-29s shown in this picture are documented during the film. Some made the ultimate sacrifice. You'll see a gallery of memorable 73rd Bomb Wing nose art too -- all in living color. "The "maximum effort" take-off scene is an awe inspiring combination of 18 cylinder engine roar and a musical score that's guaranteed to raise goose bumps.

If you haven't stopped by Zeno's Drive-In before, we also feature 1940-45 vintage WWII Army & Navy films and pilot's manuals on how to fly the F4U, F6F, P-38, P-39, P-40, P-47, P-51, P-61, TBF/TBM, AT-6/SNJ, B-17, B-24, B-25, A-20, A-26, B-26, B-29, and Stearman N2S. Alert! -  don't miss the F-86 & B-58!

Free admission for all. That's over 14 hours of rockin' World War II props & jets for free viewing over the Internet!


Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In
World War II Aviation Videos Playing Online 24/7

Net Videos: B-58 Tests, Rampaging P-47s, Black Cat PBYs, Superforts & more