Author Topic: invisible tanks  (Read 667 times)

Offline viking73

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invisible tanks
« on: January 09, 2010, 09:29:45 PM »
I had the main hanger camped at V142 on the Campello map. All of the sudden a single round from nowhere killed my tank. Which was a Tiger btw. Someone stated it was lag but I've got an excellent connection and it would've been a very long lag since I was behind the hanger. I think there is a flaw in the game that it is not showing ground vehicles in the hanger at times until they start their engine.
80th FS {OM-KNIGHTS} Kommando Nowotny {FSO}/{CCS}
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Offline NCLawman

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Re: invisible tanks
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2010, 09:50:37 PM »
Not Lag exactly.  It is, as I understand it, the way the game handles the massive amount of information for all the players in the game.  IIRC, it works something like this.  There is no way and no reason for your computer to know the specific actions of planes and tanks on the other side of the map.  The only that is relavent to your computer is what is directly around you and maybe within a specific set distance/sector.  The server sends you the packets of information related to all the other players within that specific (but small) distance. 

Now, having that information in mind, people have been known to break spawns (especially at hangers where your position is known), by going to the hanger of a base on the other side of the map.  They can then select a tank (preferably with a fast turret and hard hitting round T-34-85.  Then, in very rapid succession, jump back to the tower of the base which you are camping, spawn in the hanger and begin moving their turret.  The server in turn takes time (a sec or two) to update the spawner's new location on the map.  It then has to begin sending out the spawners packet information to all the other players in the area.  This also takes a second or two sometimes even a bit longer.  In the mean time, the spawner, who already knows your position, is turning his turret toward you, even though your computer does not even know he is there.  He then fires a single round into yoru tank at point blank range, sometimes even before your computer knows he is there.  Because your computer has not received 'his location' it does not display on your screen, even though you are displaying on his.  You have now died even before the enemy tank 'fades in'. 

Essentially, it looks like you died from an invisible tank.  When in actuality, he was there, but was exploiting the time lapse to send information from his computer to the server and back to your computer.

Now that it has been explained, before you say anything about 'cheats', 'gaming-the-gamers', 'exploiters', you will not get simpathy from a lot of players (including me) over losing your spawn camp.  I don't mean this disrrepectfully toward you personally, I just think hanger camping is by-and-large a weak form of play.  So, if one is going to do it, I don't have a problem with people taking advantage of an 'exploit' to break it.

Sorry, but that is just my opinion.  <<salute>>

Jeff / NCLawMan (in-game)

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Offline viking73

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Re: invisible tanks
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 04:01:59 AM »
Well, that was a very good explanation. It's amazing that all this can take place in a game isn't it. I know a thing or two about your explanation but didn't think AH2 was so flawed that you could go to one base and then to another and have the game be so far behind. Sounds like a flaw that needs fixing. That's the whole idea of bug reports. As far as camping a hanger. How long you been playing? Don't answer, I was being facetious. I know you're experienced. This was in the defense of other tanks and m3's trying to take the base. It is a common tactical maneuver. I wasn't sitting at a hanger for fun. If I'm not doing it then I'm in the m3 and someone else is killing any thing that comes out. Ever hear of spawn camping too? Not fun but good sound defense for a base. My sitting at the hanger was a legitimate non-cheat or non-exploit of a flaw in the programming using your explanation. I didn't hide behind the game to get a kill.

No disrespect to you personally and I appreciate you wanting to help. But this a bug report board and should only have Hitech Corp employees replying. It's not a place for opinions on gameplay.

80th FS {OM-KNIGHTS} Kommando Nowotny {FSO}/{CCS}
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Offline Chalenge

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Re: invisible tanks
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2010, 04:11:11 AM »
It is because 'anyone that registers can reply' that makes this board so useful and prevents people from flying off the handle about things they see in the game and feel is unreal or unsafe or whatever else they can come up with.

Next time you camp a hangar move back away from it about 1.5k or so and you will have more success.  :aok  Cant help you with having fun though.  :bolt:
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Offline NCLawman

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Re: invisible tanks
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2010, 10:48:52 AM »
If all you wanted was a HiTech employee reply, send your question to HiTech in an Email.  If you post on the boards, anyone who can help, may try.  Sorry for the assistance.   :bolt:

The circumstance for which you fell victim is not a bug to be fixed.  I am sure that if HiTech could possibly eliminate all lag and it would have already been done.  However, there is only so much information that can be sent and received under given bandwidth.  Further, the solution to the problem you have posted is that everyone's machine (and server too) would have to track and process every single player's exact movement in the entire game.  The only way to make that happen is that everyone's machine would have to be so powerful and so fast that it would be cost prohibitive for 99.99% of the players.  In other words, there would be no one playing (i.e...  no game to be flawed in the first place.)

As to the legitimacy of your hanger camping, I pass no judgment.  I know that there are times when it must be done in support of a capture.  I have no problem with your having done that; however, I equally have no problem with someone else using what they can to defend it and have a fighting chance.  After all a FIGHTING CHANCE is the whole point of the game is it not?

Jeff / NCLawMan (in-game)

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Offline guncrasher

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Re: invisible tanks
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2010, 12:00:50 AM »
wow, I always wondered how a tank would appear with the turret already rotating towards me.  so I learned a couple of things fast:

1 dont stay too close, unless you have lots of friends around the u wanna be closer or they will get the kill :D.

2 park in back to the left of the gv's spawning.  most guys are right handed, they will turn the turret to the right, which takes longer to aim at u if you are behind and to the left.  of course if the turn the other way, ur ded.  but most will turn the turret right. when they know ur behind them.  of course if they know your behind and to the left good players will turn left, almost everybody else right.

wanna test this theory look at guys upping at any base friends or enemy, see which direction they turn right or left, most will turn to the right. not always true but....

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Jayhawk

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Re: invisible tanks
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2010, 12:08:14 AM »
Being right handed, it seems like I would move my turret to the left more.  Seems easier to move my joystick to the left and my palm downward than moving my arm away from my body and twisting my wrist backward.  But I don't know anything.  :joystick:

Folks, play nice.

Offline Larry

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Re: invisible tanks
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2010, 12:49:03 AM »
Im left handed and I turn right.
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