Don't be discouraged by lack of success in 1v1 air combat. This is a difficult game, and you are still well into the range (only 2 months) when you can safely be called, well, a "noob". The good news is that many are willing to help. The bad news is that not everyone who is willing to help is giving you the best advice possible. Many people who stick to GV's throughout their AH tenure are, and will admit to being, poor air combat pilots. And vice versa for air combat pilots. The game is simply too complex, and real life time restraints too demanding, for many to become
truly proficient in both GV's and fighters.
(Disclaimer - Yes I know there are SOME INDIVIDUALS who are very good in both. I'm making a generalization)
My point is, if you join a very heavily GV squad, don't take
all the ACM (air combat manuever) advice you take as golden. In fact, some of it may be downright incorrect. I only point this out because, from your post, you seem to be looking for the best of both worlds, which is good, but I'd recommend seeking out an official trainer ( for your desire to learn ACM. Good luck, seems like you have the right attitude and good start to your addiction. Welcome to AH.