Author Topic: Old film viewers  (Read 241 times)

Offline Krusty

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Old film viewers
« on: January 20, 2010, 11:43:37 PM »
Currently the film viewer is totally tied to Aces High's files, including game code, 3D shapes, graphics settings, and all that jazz...

In another thread, AckAck was saying "Unfortunately, unless you have an early version of the AH1 film .exe, the films I have aren't viewable." and it hit me....

I wish for self-contained film viewers. Dating back to versions past!

Include the .res files, the code for displaying graphics, etc, all the stuff it needs from Aces High, but put it in a separate directory, and put it under a separate programs listing in the start menu. Keep it totally separate from AH, so that you can install it (large as it may be) and totally play older films without problems, based on the version the film viewer was attached to.

I know, I know, it'll be huge. But for folks that have the HD space, and the films, it will be more than worth it!