Gatt, I'm not sure whether I said that HTC aren't interested in Italian fighters.I know I did say that they are not very interested- there is a difference ;-).I'm very grateful we have the C.202 & 205 - don't get me wrong.Yes, HTC is alone in simulating ANY Italian WW2 military a/c, & 4 that I'm glad.
However, the C.202 & 205 , great as they are IMHO, are still the base-line & easiest Italian fighters 2 include in a plane-set.It's like building a Spit V (or the C.202 in this case) & then modifying the 3D model slightly & giving the FM a thorough tweak and producing a Spit IX (or a C.205 in my analogy).It's the easiest and most logical way of producing a couple of excellent Italian fighters, and HTC should be commended 4 their work.
I think now, however, that it's time 4 the mighty 'Centaur' - the Fiat G.55 2 rear its head in AH.I think that HTC would be right in making the G.55 the last Italian fighter modelled in AH.Considering the relatively small number of fighters built by Italy during WW2 (only a few thousand), having 3 of the best Italian fighters of WW2 in AH would be just fine (of course, we would love ALL of them 2 be modelled, but it's not going 2 happen).
I would hope, however, that HTC introduces an Italian bomber, and if we had 2 choose just 1, then IMHO it would have 2 be the Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 (or S.79 as it is commonly known).One of the best medium bombers of WW2, its service is legendary in the annals of Italian military aviation.It would make a great level bomber, & even more importantly now that we have sea units, a superb torpedo-bomber.Although it wasn't 1 of the fastest medium bombers of its time & its defensive armament wasn't that heavy, it was by all acounts extremely tough & durable (more so than the Ju-88 or Do-217 4 instance) & would give AH an Italian bomber 2 use in scenarios & by fans of Italian military a/c in MA.
Gatt, the reason we won't get the G.56 is simple - only 1 or 2 prototypes were ever made!! At least the F4U-1C ,of which only about 150 or so were built,served with 3 or 4 units during WW2.Whilst I personally think the Chog should be perked and has no place in AH un-perked, it would be ridiculous to expect the G.56 to be modelled in AH!! If we can't even get the Re.2001/2002/2005 modelled in AH (and they actually served operationally, though in small numbers, especially with the Sagittario) how on earth do you expect the G.56 to be modelled, especially since only 1 or 2 protos were ever built & it never flew operationally?!?!
Can you imagine the flood-gates that would be opened if HTC included the G.56 (which I am 1000% sure will NEVER happen)? There are dozens of excellent fighters of which only small numbers of prototypes or pre-production a/c were built during WW2!! We could have the Me 209, the Ta 152C, Go 229 etc etc etc. I'm sorry Gatto, but though you say your feet are planted squarely on the ground, I think you may still be in LEO (Low Earth Orbit)
There is simply no logical reason whatsoever 2 include the G.56.Now if HTC had unlimited funds & were trying 2 model every fighter designed and/or tested during WW2 & instead called the sim X-AH (eXperimental Aces High ;-D ) then the G.56 would be a possibility.Otherwise, I'm not sure how you could have ever hoped to see the G.56.Sorry mate, it simply makes no sense at all.It's always nice 2 dream though ...
[This message has been edited by C_R_Caldwell (edited 02-14-2001).]