Here is an updated image on the mapping functions I have been working on....
All of the graphical elements on this image are interactive...and produced by my program...not the AH game....
The underlying image comes via a screen grab from the Mission 1722x1722
This output was produced by interlacing that image file with an *.oba file....the *.oba file is a wrapper sort of file around the terrains created in the Terrain Editor...that file has all sorts of nifty and valuable program would will not work when it comes to the mapping without an *oba file for each terrain that Special Events use....
Hopefully down the road I can get broader access to the oba files...right now all I have is northsea....
What are we looking at?
The Orange elements are the shore gun batteries for the bases they are attached too...we can plot their locations, traverse angles and overlaps,,,,
The blue air spawns are also lifted directly out of the oba...even the keypad assignments are dialed in....with anomaly checkers for spawns out of v-bases for bombers taking into consideration that formations cannot fly from the first bomber spawn assigned to a v-base (see air spawn 7.10.5)...
The strats on this this map are displaying their warning flash range...for aircraft...those would be the dash-dot lines drawn around them....
We can also display the other warning ranges...but those features are turned off for both strats and fields...warning ranges are typically fighter, bomber, boat, vehicle etc....
The bases whose radar rings are colored in semi-opaque...are the active fields for northsea for frame 1 and beta...this is a cart before the horse deal for now...the data is lifted out of the published rules as a comma delimited string...hopefully...this program is producing those comma delimited strings down the road for inclusion in rules...rather than consuming somebodies key pecking...we want to produce those key pecks automatically when they make a base active by selection/inclusion...we will get their some day....soon other words if the CM sets a base as prints the active base list in a human readable form for inclusion in rules write ups...but for now....I have to consume their manual write setting bases as active or consuming a cds....
The Cyan grid you see overlaying the map is an interactive grid that drills down to the keypad and sub keypad level....more on this later but its suffice to say the granularity of the grid system and the snap to grid stuff for creating routes and what not runs along the lines of KP: snap to center or snap to get the idea....there is even a polar coordinate snap system for routing with min/7.5 max/22.5 degree granularity....I know....sick overkill...whatever...I like cardinal points on the compass when it comes to route assignments...
The white lines drawn from the CV's are drawn back to the base that owns other words that would be the base you have to take to take the boat...yes yes yes...CV's can be owned by airfields, v-fields etc.....long story....
Finally...the highlighted grid squares are simply consistent with the present rules write up....the highlighting of grid squares is a simple matter of selecting one or many and setting their color and opacity....
Working my tail off on this....
ONCE AGAIN....RIGHT CLICK AND SELECT VIEW IMAGE to see this image at maximum resolution....1722x1722
