Author Topic: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot  (Read 1475 times)

Offline oneway

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Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« on: January 03, 2010, 06:16:34 PM »

Here is a teaser screen shot on the GUI...ya I know its hefty bmp file but I like precision and clarity...and correct 32 byt color...

The navigation pane on the right are the 'up to date' events logged in at the icon for the event is fleshed out, it means you clicked on that event and your local hardrive now has a copy (binary) of the event log...

The event log in text form is represented in the center pane. When you navigate the structure on the right, the program only hits the servers once for the data, parses the log, reconciles anomaly, and then stores the log locally...

The pane on the left is a property inspector showing a log is the active item chosen...with this log chosen, it is showing the ahevents id, index, command manager, title, date, and type of event...

All of this information is automatically delivered to the user, and stored locally...the user is allowed to seamlessly browse current events...and once he does, the data is local...and lightening fast...

You don't have to download logs, or cut copy and all flows in seamlessly behind the scenes...

I am using dB4o as the data base engine...

The next step in the programming is to take the machine language I have developed and now apply it to this automated retrieval process...

This is just a teaser shot...

Thought you might be interested in seeing what is coming...

This tool will be made publicly available to anyone who wants to use it...

Be patient...I working diligently on this...

Happy New Year...



right click and choose view image to see the image crisply...

EDIT: This application is not restricted in anyway to will handle ALL types of Scenario.EventTypes...the logic is portable and applicable to any event...

« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 07:55:44 PM by oneway »

Offline oneway

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2010, 06:35:43 PM »
Here is another cheater screen shot...

This is the New Event Set Up Wizard...

Used to define events that have not yet happened...

To create events out of thin air, define rule sets, define property sets...etc

Of course pre-existing events can be formed from log data...much along these lines...its more of a drag and drop operation at that point though....



Once Again...right click choose view image to see the interface in a crisp manner...

Offline dhyran

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 03:29:39 AM »
hiho oneway,

AMAZING WORK!!!!!  :aok


can you check PM please?

dhyran  - retired  CO  ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2010, 12:28:14 PM »
Looks pretty slick!

You hoping have it done by the next Scenario?


Offline daddog

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2010, 04:55:03 PM »
 :O  :aok

Very nice sir!
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Offline oneway

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2010, 06:45:17 PM »
Looks pretty slick!

You hoping have it done by the next Scenario?


Done enough for some final beta testing...

I am working my but off right now on the mapping part of it...the part that lets the user assign squads to flight groups, draw routes on maps, print out orders, automatically produce clipboard maps for in game play for strat bombers...even rotated in the correct orientation based on the inbound track of the route as laid out on the map...

You may think this is overkill...but there is a calibration routine when a map is initially identified as a resource...a 9 square gird is drawn over the existing grid system by the user by clicking and dragging...the idea being to mesh the over lay on the underlying map grid which then calibrates the map. When lines are drawn on the map, the bearing and distance are displayed with the line between the waypoints...

And you think that is nuts...Ultimately this program will have flight testing data incorporated into it, and in addition to bearing and distance...each leg of the journey will be calculated for time...I don't need to explain how incredible that will be to coordinate flight groups for joint strike efforts...

I have most of the basic pieces completed...the arduous task is connecting them all up to well thought out user that doesn't require instruction to use...and I am totally anal about making it as perfect as I can...

« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 06:52:55 PM by oneway »

Offline fudgums

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2010, 07:10:50 PM »
 :O amazing oneway
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2010, 11:13:01 PM »
Here is an updated image on the mapping functions I have been working on....

All of the graphical elements on this image are interactive...and produced by my program...not the AH game....

The underlying image comes via a screen grab from the Mission 1722x1722

This output was produced by interlacing that image file with an *.oba file....the *.oba file is a wrapper sort of file around the terrains created in the Terrain Editor...that file has all sorts of nifty and valuable program would will not work when it comes to the mapping without an *oba file for each terrain that Special Events use....

Hopefully down the road I can get broader access to the oba files...right now all I have is northsea....

What are we looking at?

The Orange elements are the shore gun batteries for the bases they are attached too...we can plot their locations, traverse angles and overlaps,,,,

The blue air spawns are also lifted directly out of the oba...even the keypad assignments are dialed in....with anomaly checkers for spawns out of v-bases for bombers taking into consideration that formations cannot fly from the first bomber spawn assigned to a v-base (see air spawn 7.10.5)...

The strats on this this map are displaying their warning flash range...for aircraft...those would be the dash-dot lines drawn around them....

We can also display the other warning ranges...but those features are turned off for both strats and fields...warning ranges are typically fighter, bomber, boat, vehicle etc....

The bases whose radar rings are colored in semi-opaque...are the active fields for northsea for frame 1 and beta...this is a cart before the horse deal for now...the data is lifted out of the published rules as a comma delimited string...hopefully...this program is producing those comma delimited strings down the road for inclusion in rules...rather than consuming somebodies key pecking...we want to produce those key pecks automatically when they make a base active by selection/inclusion...we will get their some day....soon other words if the CM sets a base as prints the active base list in a human readable form for inclusion in rules write ups...but for now....I have to consume their manual write setting bases as active or consuming a cds....

The Cyan grid you see overlaying the map is an interactive grid that drills down to the keypad and sub keypad level....more on this later but its suffice to say the granularity of the grid system and the snap to grid stuff for creating routes and what not runs along the lines of KP: snap to center or snap to get the idea....there is even a polar coordinate snap system for routing with min/7.5  max/22.5 degree granularity....I know....sick overkill...whatever...I like cardinal points on the compass when it comes to route assignments...

The white lines drawn from the CV's are drawn back to the base that owns other words that would be the base you have to take to take the boat...yes yes yes...CV's can be owned by airfields, v-fields etc.....long story....

Finally...the highlighted grid squares are simply consistent with the present rules write up....the highlighting of grid squares is a simple matter of selecting one or many and setting their color and opacity....

Working my tail off on this....


ONCE AGAIN....RIGHT CLICK AND SELECT VIEW IMAGE to see this image at maximum resolution....1722x1722



« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 12:28:40 AM by oneway »

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2010, 11:37:14 PM »
Did your program compute and create those images on your map or did you create them manually?
Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline oneway

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2010, 11:51:55 PM »
Did your program compute and create those images on your map or did you create them manually?

All done via the program...CODE....I read the oba data set....then filter it by the user interface of the program

The user flips switches like: show active base, show gun battery, show strat, show boat this and that....nothing more than check boxes in a program

This image was produced by simply saving the _DisplayLayer Bitmap object to a file...

The DisplayLayer is an aggregate of many layers...there is no limit to the layers one can include in the mapping functions...Z-Order is adjustable and drawing functions are interlaced with flight creations and route assignments and orders printing and emailing....

Sick.....over kill....yes....whatever....I don't really care....this is the tool I wanted as CO of Alpha Coral didn't I am gonna make it...

None of what you see was done outside of my program in any sort of image editor...

All in house via C# 3.5 GDI+

 :salute Kermit

« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 02:44:15 AM by oneway »

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2010, 12:00:26 AM »
What is truly fascinating is to see the gun traverse zones and overlaps for the shore batteries....

You can see where the seams are on attacking a field from sea...

You can see the traverse overlaps via the opacity setting of the gun traverse regions...the darker the color...the more deadly the region it is to bring your ship in....

If I had altitude data on the batteries themselves I could calculate and depict MINIMUM RANGE...given their vertical traverse....alas that data is buried in a binary file...and out of reach....bites...

« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 12:33:06 AM by oneway »

Offline dhyran

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Re: Scenario Manager Teaser Screen Shot
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2010, 03:54:00 AM »

one word: AMAZING!!!!!!!


cant wait to use it  :)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 04:03:22 AM by dhyran »

dhyran  - retired  CO  ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~