Task Groups will operate fine without being linked to a port. If that's an acceptable standard for inclusion into MA terrain circulation is a matter beyond my knowledge.
You are correct in the former...
As to the latter, I would seriously doubt it..as I have never witnessed a rogue CV with no master field or anchor back in ma....
Operational task groups can be created out of thin air as long as they are field owned...in order to, and be consistent with Terrain Design Standards, they must have a map room associated with them...In other words the map room is created first and given a field owned ID...then the subsequent task group is part of that field...
My present assumption is that a map room needs to be a governor of a CV group given the fact that CV's are not group masters...thus, when the cv respawns, the program can check the owner (via object data), and flag back and destroy the map room at the time of spawn to switch ownership...if necessary...just a theory...but it is consistent with program behavior at this point...
To the previous comments/suggestions regarding what can be a cv Master:
A CV group can be slaved certainly to a port, and definitely to a small airfield...as to VBases and other fields I am not sure as I have not tested that...I would bet you can assign a cv to any group master with map room to get a desired result...that maproom being standalone, or incorporated via the presence of town with a map room object owned by that town...which is owned by that base...or any other group designated group master included withinin the outer group master(eg field) as a sub group master...to THAT wrapper master
For an example of CV group slaved to a small airfield, load up northsea and destroy field 69 map room..then go to CV 121 and destroy the 'cv'...wait a few minutes and you will find that 121 is now Knight owned...
As to actually assigning CV's to owner fields within the TE, I still have not figured that out, nor have any desire to do so, as the behavior model I was looking for has been revealed...
The critical value is the Object Data Value in Column 16[z-index] of the oba file for SHP 000...it governs and is the master to the task group in terms of capturing CV's...that is the value/field you must kill/capture to take the CV...
That data value indicates/creates a subservient relationship between the field so noted and the task group, with the object data value indicating the master, and the task group owning that data value being the slave..
It hints a bit of circular reference...from a coding perspective...but it is what it is...