Author Topic: "Glass" gauges  (Read 4446 times)

Offline JHerne

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #45 on: October 19, 2010, 02:19:15 PM »
I really can't understand what the big stink is. So the top monitor doesn't have gauges on it - he's zoomed in and Paged Up so that all you see is the bottom of the dashboard and the gunsights.

Since he's sitting further away from his monitors than those of us who fly at a desktop, its understandable that he's zoomed in a bit more. On average, I sit about 16-18 inches away from my 23" monitor. Its a completely different dynamic when I sit 24" to 30" away from the monitor.

I wouldn't mind seeing a control-panel only monitor option. I've got a pit in the basement that I started years ago, my plan was to someday have a multiple monitor setup (6 monitor) with the dividing lines between the canopy frames. I got as far as building the structure but it stalled. This would be a neat option and might convince me to get back to work on the project.

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2010, 02:25:31 PM »
Instead of buying 20 monitors, g fly real planes. Can't get more immersed than that.
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Offline Dichotomy

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2010, 02:30:12 PM »
The FAA probably frowns on shooting those other planes down I'm guessing
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2010, 02:32:41 PM »
If I could afford it I would, but then again I might get in some trouble shooting down planes...but like in this game I probably would miss them too. as I have said on many occasions I can build them better than I can fly them.

lol Dichotomy you posted a minute before me...great minds
« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 02:37:13 PM by sheperd »
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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #49 on: October 19, 2010, 02:38:05 PM »
 :aok  I've considered a sim pit but I use my desktop too much for other real business and my monitor doubles as my TV so, unless I want to sleep in it, probably a no go for a few years.  Nicely done though. 
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #50 on: October 19, 2010, 02:41:06 PM »
TY sir
JHerne I would love to see some pics of your shell. I plan on starting a replica F4U build.   :airplane:
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #51 on: October 19, 2010, 02:46:57 PM »
I just don't see how this request could be considered giving someone an unfair advantage over someone else that doesn't have the same set up.  This isn't going to cause the OP to become some sort of 'experten' just because he's got instruments on a seperate monitor. If the OP shoots down another guy that doesn't have this setup, it isn't because the OP was able to see his instruments a lot easier than the other guy was.

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #52 on: October 19, 2010, 02:53:39 PM »
I just don't see how this request could be considered giving someone an unfair advantage over someone else that doesn't have the same set up.  This isn't going to cause the OP to become some sort of 'experten' just because he's got instruments on a seperate monitor. If the OP shoots down another guy that doesn't have this setup, it isn't because the OP was able to see his instruments a lot easier than the other guy was.


Word, anyone claiming this is an "unfair advantage" better trash their hotas and peds and go buy a cheap twisty stick.
To each their pwn.

Offline sheperd

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2010, 02:54:47 PM »
Ty Ack-Ack,   :salute
To those of you who are concerned about my "advantage" have obviously never seen me fly lol
HT you should start on this ASAP!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 02:58:13 PM by sheperd »
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Offline B4Buster

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #54 on: October 19, 2010, 02:58:06 PM »
I agree. Instruments have nothing to do with combat. I don't think anyone looks at them during a fight (except maybe a runstang). I've been playing this game long enough now to make good guesses as to  what my altitude, airspeed, and fuel level is throughout my flight. Been playing on these maps long enough to know which general direction is "home" without looking at the map. You can better immerse your self by not being dependent on instruments as much, as in VFR flight a good pilot doesn't watch them constantly either.
"I was a door gunner on the space shuttle Columbia" - Scott12B

Offline JHerne

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #55 on: October 19, 2010, 02:59:31 PM »
At this point its just a wooden frame, I've yet to skin it or install a seat. My biggest obstacle was the multiple monitor setup that I wanted....I wanted the canopy hinged like a 109, but the panels would each be a monitor. I also wanted analog gauges in the dash, I understand they have software now and USB gauges that actually pull the data from some sims.

I'm probably 6-8 years (when I last worked on it) out of the technology loop.

At the moment, its a pile of lumber with boxes in the middle.

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #56 on: October 19, 2010, 03:03:30 PM »
those gauges only work if the Sim supports them, and that's exactly what I'm asking for.

Its true I don't look at gauges in a fight either! Its not about an advantage or disadvantage its all about immersion.
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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #57 on: October 19, 2010, 04:46:22 PM »
I just don't see how this request could be considered giving someone an unfair advantage over someone else that doesn't have the same set up.  This isn't going to cause the OP to become some sort of 'experten' just because he's got instruments on a seperate monitor. If the OP shoots down another guy that doesn't have this setup, it isn't because the OP was able to see his instruments a lot easier than the other guy was.


+1!  :aok

Offline MonkGF

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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #58 on: October 19, 2010, 08:23:57 PM »
I think having AH support at least some aircraft status output would be great. I'm thinking of doing some custom controller work, mostly for lightly-used button inputs to get off the stick and throttle to keep those for critical combat functions. I'd love to know the gear and flap status of the aircraft, for example, that could feed indicator lights on a panel.
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Re: "Glass" gauges
« Reply #59 on: October 20, 2010, 04:18:53 PM »
It would be nice to put the cockpit instrument panel on a monitor for simpits. Then you'd set your views