Author Topic: Tanktown/Fightertown  (Read 1448 times)

Offline LLogann

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Re: Tanktown/Fightertown
« Reply #45 on: February 23, 2010, 08:06:18 PM »
The problem Brotha is that no matter how obvious it is, not everybody sees it that way.  I've already said in this thread that they should be un-capturable bases in TT/FT....... And somebody had to bring up what HTC says about it..... That person, IMHO, is one of the peeps that simply don't care about the good those bases have to offer us.  SO I'll say it again, next map with a TT, they should be un-Cap bases. 

I started this thread in hopes that 1 or 2 guys out there would read this would understand (not neccissaraly agree) to why TT means anything to certain people that play this game.
TT/FT is like that bulk candy you see in supermarkets..easy to grab,throw in your mouth/pockets, noone will ever notice right? There are no signs ( at least I've ever seen any) that say " dont eat this unless you buy it". We as civilized human beings, just dont do it.

TT/FT, even though "Capturable", is used as a meeting place for most players to be in close proximity of eachother if they dont have time or will to reset map, pork ords, sink CVs, bring a goon..etc.
There is absolutley NO strategic value with taking those bases, so my question is WHY? Ive heard "because its fun", "because its fun" or the god worst of em all  "Well they do it"

Have respect for others,, the game should be enjoyed by everyone  :salute

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Offline PFactorDave

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Re: Tanktown/Fightertown
« Reply #46 on: February 23, 2010, 08:10:19 PM »
I've always thought that TT/FT designs should have at least 1 uncapturable base for each country.  That would make it impossible for a group of indivduals to sweep TT/FT to deny one or both opposing sides a TT/FT base.  If you left one base uncapturable, bases could be captured but TT/FT fun could still be had by all.

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