It was an awsome trip we headed N up Vancouver Is. and hopped the fery to Prince Rupert, 15 hrs later we docked

. Then we drove across BC to Jasper and Banif, and then down to the international peace park ( Glacer )and thean home

I visteted 2 air museumes on Vancover Is. one in Sidney ( they had a bearcat

, and a Blenihm) I forget the name of the city whear the second one was at but it was further North up the coast.
We lucked out that day I was walking down the streat with my G/F in sidney and herd, then Looked up and saw a Spitfire! it made a lazy turn and headed back toward the airfield, I grabed hear hand a pulled her toward the car...whear are we going she asked?! to the airfield! i said

do you know whear it is?, ya this way! whear the spit is going

we got their in a middle of an air show snuck out onto the field and sat in the grass about 100yards of the end of the runway the olanes were making low passes over the strip and our heads! Their were a bunch of great planes, a Helcat, a Spit and a P 51 and a couple others it was great having those planes pass so close over head, I cant beleave we dident get in trouble, was a great day to be in Canada