Author Topic: Time multiplier for Bombers  (Read 1190 times)

Offline Karnak

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2010, 12:56:36 AM »
A better way to do it would be a multiplier based on the distance of the closest friendly base to the target.  The further away it is, the larger the multiplier.
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Offline Ghosth

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2010, 07:21:13 AM »
That would certainly encourage those who take the time to setup and fly a multi target mission or a long range mission.

I don't see how it hurts anyone.

If you took a 30 - 45 min sortie as your base. Every 10 minutes your in the air beyond that could add a 0.10 to the time multiplier.

Wouldn't think it would be hard to code.

It would probably be abused however. Guys sitting on runways, hanger etc.

Offline Avanti

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2010, 08:43:46 AM »
I really like this idea, could be worked on a little though
maybe this could incorporate distance travled also? just a thought

Offline APDrone

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2010, 02:26:29 PM »
Toss in a multiplier for getting a succesfull landing after receiving damage from a Non-AI player.

This should encourage missions that invite confrontation.

The problem with this would be that if you're a buffer with an extremely effective escort, you're 'screwed' if the escort did its job well.  And if you're a fighter, you'd be receiving a bonus if you screwed up and let yourself get shot.

Maybe a 3rd mission option on the hangar clipboard for fighters called 'escort'.  The 'escort' fighter would identify the bombers they're escorting.  If an enemy plane comes within.. oh,.. say 6k of one of the bombers flagged as being escorted, and the escort scores damage on the enemy ( not necessarily a kill ) then a bonus is awarded to the escort and buffer. This range could be adjusted for altitude considerations.. for instance, 6k if bomber alt is over 15k, 1k if bomber alt is under 5k.  500 feet if bomber alt is under 1k.

If 'escorted' bombers are destroyed ( some algorithm combining number of escorts and escorted bombers ) , then no bonus is awarded to the escort fighter score. ( can't make it negative, as nobody would risk escorting bombers that tended to behave suicidally. )


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Offline Dadsguns

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2010, 05:18:44 PM »
As long as fighters get extra perks for climbing to 30k to shoot them down, maybe some sort of perk system for every 1K they are above 10K, so spending the 30 minutes chasing them at 30k is a plus for everyone.....  :devil

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Offline Tec

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2010, 06:29:31 PM »
I still don't see any logic behind being awarded for simply having a longer sortie.  I don't see why folks should get more points for avoiding contact.

If this wish was made in regards to perks, which I think it was, in a way you are already rewarded for taking your time.  Lets say you have selected a nice juicy target.  You can up buffs and probably make it in low and hit your target but the probability of not being murdered by the ack/fighters is low, and you will most likely end up getting the "death" or "bailed" multiplier.  Or you can up buffs, take all day climbing to 30k, hit your target and make it home safely for the 1.25 perk multiplier.

If this is in regards to scoring, then why?  In a fighter if you want to score well you have to keep your K/T up, so why not go the other way and add a D/T component for buffs rewarding the guy who can deal out the most damage in the shortest time.

Either way I think if you're not getting enough perks, or points, or whatever the problem is your sorties are taking too long, not the other way around.  Hop in an IL2 or an A20 and go cause some trouble, you'll be drowning in bomber perks in no time.
To each their pwn.

Offline Krusty

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2010, 07:09:12 PM »
I still don't see any logic behind being awarded for simply having a longer sortie.  I don't see why folks should get more points for avoiding contact.

Spot on, IMO!

You're rewarding them for... what?

For circling their own fields behind their own front line for 40 minutes while alt-tabbing out of the game repeatedly?

What about the folks that actually fly to the target, bomb it, get the heck out, and make an effort? Surely THAT behavior is far more commendable than dillydallying over your own HQ so you can land 300 perks in a single bomber sortie, no?

Offline BigKev03

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2010, 10:58:08 PM »
Spot on, IMO!

You're rewarding them for... what?

For circling their own fields behind their own front line for 40 minutes while alt-tabbing out of the game repeatedly?

What about the folks that actually fly to the target, bomb it, get the heck out, and make an effort? Surely THAT behavior is far more commendable than dillydallying over your own HQ so you can land 300 perks in a single bomber sortie, no?

I see your point but do you think it would be possible to se a line of departure into enem territory that the time starts then?????  I mean the clock woudlnt start ticking until you hit enemy airspace.  Just a thought.


Offline Krusty

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2010, 11:11:00 PM »
Again, to what end? You're just giving them more perks?

For what? The only perk bomber we have is the Ar234 and it's almost worthless (definitely not worth the cost).

I like that bombers get the "amount destroyed" in lights now -- that's a welcome recognition of their efforts.

IMO that says more than how long they were in the air.

Still not seeing much use or point other than just giving away free perks that ultimately can't be used on anything.

Offline APDrone

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2010, 09:07:05 AM »
I still don't see any logic behind being awarded for simply having a longer sortie.  I don't see why folks should get more points for avoiding contact.

How is spending more time on a mission to bomb a target considered 'avoiding contact'?

If this wish was made in regards to perks, which I think it was, in a way you are already rewarded for taking your time.  Lets say you have selected a nice juicy target.  You can up buffs and probably make it in low and hit your target but the probability of not being murdered by the ack/fighters is low, and you will most likely end up getting the "death" or "bailed" multiplier.  Or you can up buffs, take all day climbing to 30k, hit your target and make it home safely for the 1.25 perk multiplier.

Only if your opponent is too lazy to watch the dar bars and other indicators to bother to engage you.

If this is in regards to scoring, then why?  In a fighter if you want to score well you have to keep your K/T up, so why not go the other way and add a D/T component for buffs rewarding the guy who can deal out the most damage in the shortest time.

If you score 9000 points hitting a town with a flight time of 30 minutes, what's the harm in making it 10000 points for hitting a town with a flight time of 60 minutes? And, has been mentioned, use the amount of time over enemy territory ( point where a 'bailed sucessfully' would change to a 'you have been captured'. )

Spot on, IMO!

You're rewarding them for... what?

For circling their own fields behind their own front line for 40 minutes while alt-tabbing out of the game repeatedly?

What about the folks that actually fly to the target, bomb it, get the heck out, and make an effort? Surely THAT behavior is far more commendable than dillydallying over your own HQ so you can land 300 perks in a single bomber sortie, no?
Huh? Huh?

Again, to what end? You're just giving them more perks?

For what? The only perk bomber we have is the Ar234 and it's almost worthless (definitely not worth the cost).
If they're so useless, why do you care so much?  

I like that bombers get the "amount destroyed" in lights now -- that's a welcome recognition of their efforts.

IMO that says more than how long they were in the air.

Still not seeing much use or point other than just giving away free perks that ultimately can't be used on anything.

The argument is that if, as a bomber, you spend a good chunk of time over enemy airspace, bomb some target that is worth some sort of pointage, then return to base, you should receive more reward than spending less time over enemy airspace to hit the same type of target. You are still more susceptible to being hunted down by bomber destroyers.  The premise that your opponent won't 'up' bomber destroyers is not something the buff driver has control. 

Now, I know this goes against the furballer mentality that you should never have to climb over a thousand feet to attack your target.  But, believe it or not, some of the rest of us like a nice fat bombing raid deep behind the lines to level a worthless strat target.  No reason to get all huffy about it.  Not like it's going to deny you any more furballing targets.   

Conversely, when I'm not driving buffs, I enjoy upping bomber destroyers and tearing into the formations at 20K +.  Unfortunately, far more often than not, I run into a spixteen or pony that towers me long before I encounter my anticipated prey.

Hopefully, such a modifyer will encourage a handfull of buff drivers to strive for a higher 'in lights' score, giving me a better chance to stop them with my A-8.


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Offline Krusty

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2010, 10:13:56 AM »
You're way off target there, Drone, and sounding somewhat defensive.

First, read the original post. He's referring to perks. Not "name in lights" damage points. Even as it is now, you don't get multipliers on damage points for landing, ditching, bailing... The points are what they are. Same as hit % in fighters, it's a stat and doesn't change.

Second, you're implying I'm a "furballer" type. I am not.

I enjoy flying bombers and hunting them as much as the next guy. Used to be (before the arena split) 80% of my kills every tour were B-24s.

"if, as a bomber, you spend a good chunk of time over enemy airspace, bomb some target that is worth some sort of pointage, then return to base, you should receive more reward than spending less time over enemy airspace to hit the same type of target."

Tell me this: Why is loitering in enemy territory worthy of more points? Why is flying an hour more comendable than flying half an hour?

I've flown 1.5 hour sorties in a single C202 before (hotpad ftw). Does that mean I should get 8 kills added to my "name in lights" even though I earned only 5? Does that mean I get more perks than the P-51 pilot who flew 5 sorties in the same time frame, getting 12 kills, even though he flew to a fight, flew back and landed safely every time?

Time, per se, is a useless way of rewarding people in games. In most games I see that have some sort of reward/achievment for extra time spent, I have seen the emergence of folks that just sit around waiting for it.

In BF2, for example, you get little awards for "10 hours spent as medic" or "24 hours spent in an aircraft" and then you get these servers popping up all over where folks spawn, and then leave their computer. The server boots you if you move from your spawn.

The same will happen in AH. You will get folks avoiding fights just trying to sneak around and earn the points.

It does not encourage more gameplay, and it does not benefit anybody.

It's free perks for no actual accomplishment.

Offline APDrone

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2010, 10:40:37 AM »
You're way off target there, Drone, and sounding somewhat defensive.
It's the cold meds..

First, read the original post. He's referring to perks. Not "name in lights" damage points. Even as it is now, you don't get multipliers on damage points for landing, ditching, bailing... The points are what they are. Same as hit % in fighters, it's a stat and doesn't change.

Eh.. I'm thinking he's got them confused or just typed it in wrong.  Can't say that's never happened before.  Like you said, the bomber perks are almost worthless.

Second, you're implying I'm a "furballer" type. I am not.

My bad.. I saw Tec's 'Das Muppets' avatar image blow by and figured it was 'furballer' club, So that was primarily directed at him.  Turns out it's actually 'Tank Club' which was a new one for me.. so now I guess I'll have to pay more attention to them..   

I enjoy flying bombers and hunting them as much as the next guy. Used to be (before the arena split) 80% of my kills every tour were B-24s.

"if, as a bomber, you spend a good chunk of time over enemy airspace, bomb some target that is worth some sort of pointage, then return to base, you should receive more reward than spending less time over enemy airspace to hit the same type of target."

Tell me this: Why is loitering in enemy territory worthy of more points? Why is flying an hour more comendable than flying half an hour?

It's not the flying.. it's the surviving.  You're putting yourself at a higher level of risk.  You still have to rtb to gain the 'bonus'. 

I've flown 1.5 hour sorties in a single C202 before (hotpad ftw). Does that mean I should get 8 kills added to my "name in lights" even though I earned only 5? Does that mean I get more perks than the P-51 pilot who flew 5 sorties in the same time frame, getting 12 kills, even though he flew to a fight, flew back and landed safely every time?

Well, technically, since you hotpadded, you got a bonus for kills/sortie, right?  Right now, the bombers don't get the full benefit of that since they lose 66% of their force on rearming.

Time, per se, is a useless way of rewarding people in games. In most games I see that have some sort of reward/achievment for extra time spent, I have seen the emergence of folks that just sit around waiting for it.

In BF2, for example, you get little awards for "10 hours spent as medic" or "24 hours spent in an aircraft" and then you get these servers popping up all over where folks spawn, and then leave their computer. The server boots you if you move from your spawn.

The same will happen in AH. You will get folks avoiding fights just trying to sneak around and earn the points.

Now, this just escapes me completely.. If the buffer is sneaking around.. are you implying under dar? There's not a lot of sneaking going on if your moving a dar bar from one grid to another.. and as they get closer to the front, there's a whole lot of liklihood to run into some bad guys running to or away from a nearby fight.

It does not encourage more gameplay, and it does not benefit anybody.

It's free perks for no actual accomplishment.

Maybe if you define the impact on how the game is played, today.  However, should this be incorporated, there's no reason that a whole new facet of the game wouldn't open up to hunt the sneaking buffers down.  I mean.. they have have to bomb something, so they're not completely free and clear of being discovered. 

Scenario "Masters of the Air" X.O. 100th Bombardment Group

Offline Tec

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2010, 11:57:39 AM »
If you score 9000 points hitting a town with a flight time of 30 minutes, what's the harm in making it 10000 points for hitting a town with a flight time of 60 minutes? And, has been mentioned, use the amount of time over enemy territory ( point where a 'bailed sucessfully' would change to a 'you have been captured'. ) 

If your concerned about points, then why not hit the town twice @ 30 minutes a piece rather than once @ 60 minutes and get 18000 pts, instead of 10000? 

It's like hourly worker laziness, but AH is a piece rate world.  Lets say you and I work at the Garden Gnome factory together and our finished gnomes are of equal quality and we get payed $9 a piece for them.  Now if I can make two gnomes in an hour and you can build only one are you seriously gonna try to convince the boss that you should get $10 bucks a piece for your gnomes simply because it takes you longer?

Listen folks, I'm not anti-bomber but you are literally asking for something for nothing.  So I will propose some ideas for you. 

1. Strats/HQ - Targets that require long flight time and certain opposition(and are of some limited tactical usefulness).  Make the damage points received far greater for these than your average town buildings.

2. CV's - Why aren't you guys screaming about these?  You get crap for points for hitting them, they are a difficult target to hit due to the movement and defensive armament, and actually have an impact on game play, so why not ask for benefits to be increased for hitting one.

3. Fighters - IIRC the way it stands now you don't get any sort of scoring benefit from killing them other than saving your own skin.  Maybe you should ask for some points for killing them, or maybe some sort of multiplier for scoring damage and shooting down fighters in the same sortie. 
To each their pwn.

Offline APDrone

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2010, 12:15:02 PM »
If your concerned about points, then why not hit the town twice @ 30 minutes a piece rather than once @ 60 minutes and get 18000 pts, instead of 10000? 
Didn't want to get greedy..

It's like hourly worker laziness, but AH is a piece rate world.  Lets say you and I work at the Garden Gnome factory together and our finished gnomes are of equal quality and we get payed $9 a piece for them.  Now if I can make two gnomes in an hour and you can build only one are you seriously gonna try to convince the boss that you should get $10 bucks a piece for your gnomes simply because it takes you longer?

Um.. where's the risk? In this example, there's no risk to your Gnome for sticking around on the production line.  Not a good example.   In this 'wish' the risk of loitering in enemy airspace is that you may get shot down.

Listen folks, I'm not anti-bomber but you are literally asking for something for nothing.  So I will propose some ideas for you. 

1. Strats/HQ - Targets that require long flight time and certain opposition(and are of some limited tactical usefulness).  Make the damage points received far greater for these than your average town buildings.

I think this was brought up by somebody else too.. make the damage value greater for objects farther away from the front line.  Agreed.

2. CV's - Why aren't you guys screaming about these?  You get crap for points for hitting them, they are a difficult target to hit due to the movement and defensive armament, and actually have an impact on game play, so why not ask for benefits to be increased for hitting one.

Meh.. no opinion.

3. Fighters - IIRC the way it stands now you don't get any sort of scoring benefit from killing them other than saving your own skin.  Maybe you should ask for some points for killing them, or maybe some sort of multiplier for scoring damage and shooting down fighters in the same sortie. 

I actually kinda touched on that in my first response on this thread. Not getting credit for the fighters, but getting a multiplier ( combat pay, if you will ) if you received damage from an enemy.

Scenario "Masters of the Air" X.O. 100th Bombardment Group

Offline Tec

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Re: Time multiplier for Bombers
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2010, 12:41:26 PM »
Didn't want to get greedy..

But you are.  The guy who gets 18,000pts in an hour is working for them, you're asking for a handout.

Um.. where's the risk? In this example, there's no risk to your Gnome for sticking around on the production line.  Not a good example.   In this 'wish' the risk of loitering in enemy airspace is that you may get shot down.

The risk is you might get fired for being a slacker.  If work isn't "enemy territory" then IDK what is.  Also, go look up the definition of loitering, it basically means standing around doing nothing, won't get you very far at work, and it shouldn't here either. 

The thing is if you guys are concerned about scoring in bombers you are already rewarded for taking your time, you just don't realize it.  This whole give us points just for flying thing is totally asinine.  If the issue is perks, go kill some stuff and rack them up.

To each their pwn.