If we are limited to 145 deg FOV, then a 37" LCD HDTV with Track IR looks to be a better idea than 3-27.5 monitors. A 1080p Vizio costs $448 vs. 2 additional 27.5 LCD monitors @ $310 each, plus an additional video card ~ $100. The horizontal res gets reduced to 1080 vs. 1200, but you gain a larger image, and you don't lose the top and bottom of the frame - not a bad compromise. I am thinking this through properly?
My current processor/video card is an E8400 o/c'd to 3.66ghz and an XFX GT260. I get 59fps, native to the Hanna G monitor. I run all options set to max, including soft shadows - except I have to disable AntiAliasing. If AA is enabled to the first step, my frame rate goes down to the mid 30's - too slow for me.