I don't really know what I understood when I read Kirin's ideas. I thought that they were very good, creative ideas.
IMO, in effect it becomes a way to get around the current fuel use multiplier, and give an advantage (or disadvantage) to a plane type that it should not have.
I look at it this way. Kirin's ideas just go against what I consider to be "The Grain of the Game" as far as attacking bases and damaging fuel.
Currently, bases provide an unlimited amount of fuel, but restrict plane capacity(%) to a set amount per sortie. The amount of fuel capacity per sortie depends on how much damage has occured to the fuel at the base.
Therefore; NME plane range is what you attack when you attack a bases fuel. You do not attack their ability to get airborne nor do you attack how many planes can actually get airborne.
This method seems reasonable to me because, there are no "No Fly" restrictions based on fuel. The only restriction is how far you can fly.
IMO for Kirin's idea to be effective, you must limit the total amount of fuel available at each base. As planes load up with fuel the total amount of fuel at the base drops. As fuel re-supply arrives, the total amount of fuel goes up (Supply and Demand). When a base has no fuel, you can't fly from it.
Now then; the strategy for attacking a bases fuel would be two fold. Attack the bases current supply and attack the bases re-supply capacity.
This "Supply - Use - Re-Supply" is not currently modeled. So it seems unreasonable to me to model fuel capacity for planes in gallons(liters).
One option I think would be more fair to smaller capacity fuel airplanes, would be to always give them the option to load 50% fuel. Base this not one the planes inherent range capablities, simply base it on the planes physical fuel capactiy.
Merry Christmas Everyone!