It's been way too long since the last A-26 request. So, without further ado, I present to you....the A-26 INVADER:

Here's a link to a potentially recent post with videos about the A-26:,247368.0.htmlAnd here's the video website itself:, as for why I think we should have this aeroplane next:
a) It came out in 3rd place in the vote held by HiTech Creations, below the B-25 (first place) and the P-39 (second place). We have had both the B-25 and P-39 added already, so it would only be logical that the A-26 is the next plane to be added - after all, the people spoke through that poll. Of course, once the A-26 has been added, then the other planes from the vote should be as well, in order of what people wanted the most. The results of that vote are in this thread:,202838.0.htmlb) It'd be an extremely popular aeroplane amongst many players. Whilst I'm aware that there are quite a few people who want the He-111, it would be nothing more than a hangar queen outside of special events. By contrast, the speed, survivability and firepower of the A-26 Invader would give it a very prominent role as a light bomber.
c) The A-26 is so good at what it does (dive bombing, low-level attack, dogfighting [for anyone who likes using two engines at once], ground attack, and just generally being a nuisance to the opposition) that in my view, it would be highly worthy of a perk price. If so, it would give us all a much-needed way to spend our bomber perks (aside from the Ar-234). This in itself is a very important factor for adding it. I've heard of many people who say that the Ar-234 is basically a hangar queen. Sure, it's excellent at what it does (high-speed level bombing), but that's about it. It accelerates like a sloth, climbs like a hippopotamus, and runs like a cheetah. That's it. The A-26 would provide a welcome outlet for all those bomber perk points, and doubtlessly bring many more players into the joy of flying two engined aircraft as if they were fighters.
d) Some models of the A-26 had 14 forward facing 50 cals. These were not field mods. Enough said.
So, if you're interested in finding out more about this plane, here are some links with a bit of information on it (and please, don't forget to leave expressions of your support and admiration for this aircraft down below!):