Author Topic: No Voice Communication  (Read 837 times)

Offline sarge201

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Re: No Voice Communication
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2010, 09:34:58 PM »
How about a Beta arena....the new patch could be downloaded by many..and tested for bugs before it's mandated to the mainstream to have to download or dont play online?

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Re: No Voice Communication
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2010, 09:38:41 PM »
Beta --- now theres an idea

Isn't that how many software companies do updates?
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Offline Tarstar

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Re: No Voice Communication
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2010, 10:39:30 PM »
How hard is it to pre-test these new updates! 

Can we ask Hi Tech to pro-rate our payments for this lousy day of gameplay?  Totally fluffied up!!!

Pissed off and not looking forward to the next update!


Not for nothing but you guys need to chill... HTC does a great job of constantly improving the game.. And yeah there are momentary glitches.. They'll sort it out...
What's a day cost? Fifty cents? I think most of us will manage to squeak by.. Why not use your post to report some feedback to them instead of bashing HTC for working to improve the game..  :rolleyes:

Offline BowHTR

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Re: No Voice Communication
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2010, 10:56:55 PM »
How hard is it to pre-test these new updates! 

Can we ask Hi Tech to pro-rate our payments for this lousy day of gameplay?  Totally fluffied up!!!

Pissed off and not looking forward to the next update!


How hard is it to create a combat flight sim and make 700-800 or more customers happy?

Give HTC a break. Their human, their gonna make mistakes. give them some time.
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Offline 1701E

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Re: No Voice Communication
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2010, 11:06:19 PM »
How about a Beta arena....the new patch could be downloaded by many..and tested for bugs before it's mandated to the mainstream to have to download or dont play online?

They did that for the Terrain update....and we still got whines.  They made the Beta public for a few months or so and had a forum for any bugs, and we still had whines when the update was released.  People seemed to refuse to use the Beta (which was all over the forums, main page and in-game) but wasted no time in complaining when something didn't work for them.  HTC can't make something perfect for everyone (just as no one can) and it is made all the harder by the fact we have such a wide variety of computers, from very low end to $6K rigs that blow anything away.  Bugs happen, they will be in their office tomorrow at 8am EST (think that's the hour) to start fixing all these reported bugs.  They tend to find the biggest problems, or most common ones, and put a patch out for that that very day and continue to put out patches fixing bugs likely in order of most "harmful" to least.

Just give them a day to get some sleep. :salute
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