Skuzzy your efforts are much appreciated by the skinning community and those who enjoy flying all the different custom skins. They literally "make" the game for me; I don't think I could ever go back to flying only default skins.
The artistic talent and attention to detail put into many custom skins really make AH shine, and make historically accurate scenarios much more immersive. So even though swapping old skins out may be more work for you, rest assured it is appreciated tenfold by the community. It seems like such a shame that far better and more detailed skins sit unknown in the skin queue while early skins, many of which are by now quite substandard, put the "face" on AH for the public.
I'm sure there is alot of talent out there which would love to help streamline the skin submission process, or help share the workload if possible. I wonder, would you consider starting a skin discussion thread where we could talk about your idea?
Also, I've always wondered - can HTC determine which skins see alot of use and which don't, based on logs, or is this something you just know about through interaction with the community?
Give the skinner mafia a list of the squads that have standardized on a skin, and we'll send representatives to make them an offer they can't refuse.