Author Topic: Any Ground to Air gunnery missions?  (Read 897 times)

Offline Simaril

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Any Ground to Air gunnery missions?
« on: June 04, 2010, 03:48:39 PM »
Been away from AH for, shoot, couple years - but I'm considering getting back into the game. Unfortunately that leads me back to the thing that got me in vapor lock in the first gunnery. ACM got well ahead of my ability to finish the kill, ended up dying over and over feeling I had missed opportunity after opportunity. For what ever reason, it seemed that no amount of practice could get me any closer to the right lead.

So now I'm wondering if anyone has made a practice mission with a stream of targets coming in 500 ft AGL. Would love to be able to practice doing the right lead from a M16, off set from the stream so my 2D oriented brain could learn the 3D art of adjusting the lead.
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

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Offline MachNix

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Re: Any Ground to Air gunnery missions?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2010, 06:08:02 PM »
Sorry Simaril. They have not added ground vehicles to the Mission Editor (yet) but it is a great tool to learn gunnery in aircraft.