When assiging squads for FSO, one of two situations will result. We will have to reassign the extra Allied squads, or we will have to reassign the extra Axis squads. In most setups, there is an excess of Allied squads that are reassigned to Axis. The squads that have flown Allied the most are the squads that get reassigned first.
When the Axis side is popular, and has to be reassigned, guess who gets reassigned first? The Axis squads that have been flying axis all the time. This is not common, but it is the way it goes. If you have a better way to do the reassignments, make a case for it, but this sounds pretty good to me. The only problem with the above is that while the Allied side will generally always have a random rotation, the Axis side will always be reassigning the dedicated Axis squads when it is relatively popular to be flying Axis (presumably when they would want to be flying Axis the most). Figure out a way to cure this problem that makes everyone happy. BTW, any solution would have to work just as well if ever the Axis side becomes the most requested side (over several series).
It is not acceptable to never reassign the dedicated squads. This is a box of worms we would not like to open. Guess what will happen to the number of dedicated Allied squads.
We have an anomoly in the current method of assignment, and that is a minor problem in the whole scheme of things. I do not see a way to make the Axis side more popular in FSO. The problem only arises because even if the setups are purely equal, in the agregate, more people will always request Allied than Axis. In order to balance the requests, all the setups would necessarily have to be unequally weighted in the Axis favor, and I don't think that we sould be doing that in FSO.