Author Topic: Is Leadership dead?  (Read 7880 times)

Offline Spikes

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #45 on: June 05, 2010, 04:57:25 PM »
Lute we had weekly meetings with our GLs, sadly not many could attend each time.
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Offline Kermit de frog

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #46 on: June 05, 2010, 05:17:13 PM »
Lute we had weekly meetings with our GLs, sadly not many could attend each time.

Spikes there are many reasons why we all can not attend these meetings.  These reasons include prior commitments in real life.  Which is why you learn to appreciate any time together, be it in meetings or during the event, to be as efficient as possible.

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Offline Kermit de frog

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #47 on: June 05, 2010, 06:09:35 PM »
Much can be lost or misinterpreted when just reading things.  Be it write ups or posts on the forum.

Holding a weekly meeting over TeamSpeak would go a long way in making sure that everybody is on the same page.

It is a lot easier to explain via voice than by posting back/forth.

I know I could talk with someone via TeamSpeak and clear up in 5 min what would take 2-3 pages of  text on the forum.

Much is lost both in intent and meaning when typed as opposed to verbally conversing.  There is a reason the President has the Red Phone in the Oval Office.  (hotline)

It astounds me that you are arguing against this.

I would now ask you a question.  Why are you against clear and open communication between the leadership and CM's?

<snip>...The last time this idea of having both sides communicate to prevent the "us vs them mentality", Dantoo exposed me to his manipulation tactics he uses upon the CMs, as well as the role Bearkats has taken as the public image, along with much much more.  Sorry, but I don't trust this idea one bit.  Many past scenarios have not had serious issues with opposing leadership teams, except for the ones Dantoo/Bearkats and other "ends justify the means" type of people are involved.  The XO/CO/CM on both sides already get together on the forums privately, why the need for another form of communication?

While what you say is true, I have to watch for your true intentions.  Dantoo preached to me that if you want a rule changed, you must use your voice, for words leave tracks to your true intention.  My heart broke a thousand times during my time with Dantoo on TeamSpeak, but it made for great education on what types of behavior to avoid for myself.  He attempted to lure me with the prospect of both sides working together, when in fact it was his will he wanted to be done on scenarios, using others to get it done.  It was from this moment on that I knew my trust would be misplaced with him.

I've apologized for my actions, during my time I spent with Dantoo in Feb 2009, to those who we worked against.  I feel so strongly about this, that I do what I can to prevent others from going down the same path, with the hope that they will listen.  This is my motivation.

I've shown you a way out, I just hope someday you'll take it.

I strongly feel it is also important to say this:
It is important to appreciate HTC and the CMs for this great event and opportunity that is given to us all.

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #48 on: June 05, 2010, 09:41:36 PM »
Just to clear that air a big Kermit.

Dantoo and I are both quite strong willed and opinionated.

In this last Scenario, w/o going into any details as that would be in poor taste, Dantoo and I had a knock down drag out fight on what the "plan" should be for a particular frame.  It was brutal.  I still have copies (I think) of the email exchange and it got pretty harsh.

Dantoo and I decided that the final say on the matter was going to be up to BearKats.  

Do you want to take a guess who's plan we ended up going with?

While I CAN be manipulated (talk to my ex-wife) it is not gonna be by Dantoo.  He just ain't built for that role.  (he is missing a few vital 'parts')

So rest your head that Lute is being controlled by the All Mighty Evil Master of Scenarios as that just ain't gonna ever happen.

I will end with saying that I think Dantoo is a brilliant strategist.  He has an incredible grasp on tactics and his ego on the matter is well deserved.  The guy is good.  I look forward to the day when he is calling the shots on one side in a Scenario and I on the other.  THAT would be a ton o' fun!
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 09:43:19 PM by WMLute »
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Offline Vudu15

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #49 on: June 05, 2010, 10:16:08 PM »
well simple question.... If when we found out where the axis hordes were hiding we werent sent to engage them. I mean if we were already in enemy turf why not go that extra mile and step in their house.....? it happend twice when fighters were refueling at A94 and we as 16s were porking 90 to the south and the mossie NOE raid on the base to the Northeast.
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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #50 on: June 05, 2010, 10:36:34 PM »
well simple question.... If when we found out where the axis hordes were hiding we werent sent to engage them. I mean if we were already in enemy turf why not go that extra mile and step in their house.....? it happend twice when fighters were refueling at A94 and we as 16s were porking 90 to the south and the mossie NOE raid on the base to the Northeast.

We pushed as far as fuel allowed most the time.  That was our major limitation w/ several of our rides.  The Spit 16's and especially the Typhoons were very limited on range.  Spit 14's not so much 'cause they could climb to 30k and loiter up there for a goodly bit.

W/O looking at their orders I can't answer your question about where they staged in the diff. frames.

I will add that if I DID know where they had a massive group staged and it was within' striking range I would have attacked it.
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Offline Kermit de frog

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #51 on: June 06, 2010, 12:22:27 AM »
Vudu, the reason for your escort duty in beta frame; the Lancasters were to be slaughtered to justify future Lanc missions, attempt to create arrogance in German skill and show that the allies were truly flying inferior planes to also justify the need to mass together.

Be weary of those with "defeatist" attitudes.  

Also to help understand why you attacked airfields instead of known enemy aircraft positions:
Dantoo needed a way to thin out the German defenses and give the defenders reasons to leave their strats.  He asked for the points value to be increased in the rule making period.  This allowed all active airfields on both sides to have a valid reason to be attacked, which can then be used to draw out defenders of strats to rescue the airfields.  Then mass attack the South so the Luftwaffe would be unable to protect both strats and airfields while avoiding the Northern Luftwaffe to make them bored and ultimately break unit cohesiveness.  This way when after they've been able to allow as much boredom to mess with the Luftwaffe heads as much as possible, an high alt attack could succeed against a hopefully much weaker enemy.  The South was chosen first due to the ability to have the majority/entire RAF fight against ~50% of the Luftwaffe.  This is what Dantoo wanted, but I don't think it was what the community wanted.

Their ways hurt the community and rely on deception to work.

The good news is if everyone knows this, it makes it that much harder for them to operate in the same way again.  Change of tactics they will, but hopefully it will be too late.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 12:29:27 AM by Kermit de frog »
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Offline Vudu15

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #52 on: June 06, 2010, 05:56:57 AM »
Well seeing this conversation from different angles has shown me a lot, and I plan to be more vocal in the future. Hopefully I wont have to say a thing but if the need arises you can count on me to be in the forefront of discussions. As to the deception from Datoo I wasn't there nor can I comment on that I just hope another scenario isint affected in the same way again, because I have never been mad while flying it was ridiculous. I know folks put in a lot of work and thats what makes it even worse. You go wow you put how much time into this and this is what happened........? Now one of he few points I do agree on is a written form of como is hard to to get a point across or folks can misunderstand what your trying to say. Now Lute I dont have any animosity towards you and I'm not that mad about it, it is just a game sir and I would fly under your command again. Just expect to hear from my angle when the dust settles. Thank Yall and have a nice day....

P.S. Thank you for answering my questions.
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Offline WMLute

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #53 on: June 06, 2010, 06:30:51 AM »
Vudu, the reason for your escort duty in beta frame; the Lancasters were to be slaughtered to justify future Lanc missions, attempt to create arrogance in German skill and show that the allies were truly flying inferior planes to also justify the need to mass together.

If Dantoo had his way he would have done a similar mission as the Beta in each and every frame.  (and if you look at our plans pretty much did)

Also to help understand why you attacked airfields instead of known enemy aircraft positions:
Dantoo needed a way to thin out the German defenses and give the defenders reasons to leave their strats.  He asked for the points value to be increased in the rule making period.  This allowed all active airfields on both sides to have a valid reason to be attacked, which can then be used to draw out defenders of strats to rescue the airfields.  Then mass attack the South so the Luftwaffe would be unable to protect both strats and airfields while avoiding the Northern Luftwaffe to make them bored and ultimately break unit cohesiveness.  This way when after they've been able to allow as much boredom to mess with the Luftwaffe heads as much as possible, an high alt attack could succeed against a hopefully much weaker enemy.  The South was chosen first due to the ability to have the majority/entire RAF fight against ~50% of the Luftwaffe.  This is what Dantoo wanted, but I don't think it was what the community wanted.
Again 100% wrong.

At any point the Axis could have matched us plane for plane in the South and still played it quite safe with having enough assets to protect their Strategic targets.  The choice not to was the Axis Leadership and has nothing to do with the Allies.  If the Axis were willing to gamble just a bit they could have well out numbered the Allies in the South and decimated them in every frame.

The Allies had 3 groups.  Task group, Air Spawn, and the South.

Of the 3 the only viable group that was able to be used to attack the Axis was the South.  It has almost everything to do with plane types and basing restrictions and nothing what so ever to do with Dantoo or any sort of "plan" he had.
(edit: I will add that of the AirSpawn groups we did use the Mossies in the S. in an attack role)

Again, tactics were dictated by plane types and basing restriction as opposed to some "Evil Master Plan" from Dantoo who had little to no involvement in the development of the tactics in the South.

Their ways hurt the community and rely on deception to work.
This has got to be a joke as it is so non-reality based to be comical.

Almost nothing that you have put forth as "truth" is even close to factual.  All you have done is try to perpetuate some myth you are obsessed with and are trying to shove some warped personal agenda down everyones throat that is neither factual nor is it based only anything other than supposition, conjecture and lies.

I was the Allied XO.  I know exactly what went down and how for the Allies.  I know who planned what and what level of involvement.  You on the other hand do not, and the ideas you are putting forth in this and several other threads are nothing but slander, lies, and falsehood.

The good news is if everyone knows this, it makes it that much harder for them to operate in the same way again.  Change of tactics they will, but hopefully it will be too late.
What part of "Dantoo wasn't involved in well over 2/3rds of the strategy that was planned" are you failing to "get"?

In point of fact, he had almost nothing to do with the plan in Frame 3 and 4.  He basically "quit" the Allied Leadership in Frame 3 and pretty much wasn't even asked his opinion in Frame 4.  (no more than the Group Leaders were asked after the Frame 4 plan was presented)

In the Beta and Frames 1-2 Dantoo put forth the bomber plan.  
TC ran the CV planes, and I was in charge of the Southern forces.

The ONLY person trying to manipulate the community here is you.

Well seeing this conversation from different angles has shown me a lot, and I plan to be more vocal in the future. Hopefully I wont have to say a thing but if the need arises you can count on me to be in the forefront of discussions. As to the deception from Datoo I wasn't there nor can I comment on that I just hope another scenario isint affected in the same way again, because I have never been mad while flying it was ridiculous. I know folks put in a lot of work and thats what makes it even worse. You go wow you put how much time into this and this is what happened........? Now one of he few points I do agree on is a written form of como is hard to to get a point across or folks can misunderstand what your trying to say. Now Lute I dont have any animosity towards you and I'm not that mad about it, it is just a game sir and I would fly under your command again. Just expect to hear from my angle when the dust settles. Thank Yall and have a nice day....

P.S. Thank you for answering my questions.

Vudu, the plan we put forth and implemented was nothing short of one of the most lopsided victories in the history of Scenarios.  I for one am proud of each and every player on the Allied team and would be happy to fly with any of 'em at any time in any event.

Kudos to the Allied players!
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 08:03:39 AM by WMLute »
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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #54 on: June 06, 2010, 09:36:50 AM »
That should about cover it.   
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Offline Kermit de frog

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2010, 02:21:58 PM »
See Rule #4
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 09:50:47 AM by Skuzzy »
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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #56 on: June 06, 2010, 02:26:06 PM »
Lute I must ask why did you not drive the CV's west/SW in Frame 1 like you did in 2-4?
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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #57 on: June 06, 2010, 02:54:09 PM »
I did not participate in this last scenario, but having worked with each player mentioned in this thread I feel the need to speak my mind.

In my experience each one of them has shown themselves to be a genuinely good person, trying to do what is best for their team. I feel that (in general) these people all work very hard to balance the two goals of (A) making it a good fun event for the players, and (B) win the event.

So if players like 4440, Dantoo, Kermit, and WMLute aren't the problem, it must lie elsewhere.

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Offline Kermit de frog

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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #58 on: June 06, 2010, 03:50:33 PM »
Blame oneself if you wish to improve the situation for everyone and maintain the great event we have.

Good people are in need, to lead by example.
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Re: Is Leadership dead?
« Reply #59 on: June 06, 2010, 08:46:33 PM »
Lute I must ask why did you not drive the CV's west/SW in Frame 1 like you did in 2-4?

I must answer this question, Spikes.......

Since I was the FL and basically incharge of the CV fleets, I worked both flying / coordinating my CV plane grps along with also maneuvering the task groups.... it is kind of hard to do both at the same time when you are in a dogfight with maybe a wingman or 2 up against 4 to 8 enemy..... so in frame 2, 3 , 4 I incoorporated the assistance of another.......

whels joined in the cv plane sqds and only flew maybe one or 2 sorties, but his overall project was maneuver ./ defend the CV's at all cost..... he was gave suggestions but he protected the CV's in the best way he thought possible....

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