Author Topic: Deck merges in dueling  (Read 2259 times)

Offline mtnman

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Re: Deck merges in dueling
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2010, 10:13:00 AM »
Harder use of rudder to get faster roll movements and to get the nose around faster would be helpful in alot of the situations I think.. And if you don't have a FRONT UP view setting I would get one set. It is alot better than shifting between front and up view when you need to look right between the two..

I am not a trainer, but I got some hours in the F4U.. Enough to make me some thoughts.

Also when a turnfight is becoming a ho I would not push for the head on just as mtnman pointed out, I would rather level out just before and perhaps zoom up just as I am getting shot at. I like to point my wingtip at my opponent when zooming up like that, then I make a smaller target for him to hit. Then if you did it right you could drop down behind again by using flaps and hard rudder to go inverted and drop down level again a better position.

Just my thoughts, may the trainers shoot me if I am wrong.  :aok  :salute

That doesn't sound wrong at all to me, I often do the same thing in similar situations.  To do that though, I really want closure from the side (which you illustrate by pointing your wingtip at him).

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Offline wgmount

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Re: Deck merges in dueling
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2010, 12:08:47 PM »
The rudder gets me into lots of trouble. I was fighting with bighorn in the TA the other day and had My F4u turning like a zeke for about 2 turns. Then I got this weird stall. the thing went nose down and wasn't quite  spinning it would just turn left to right. When I'd think I had caught it it wold snap back the other way. I was about 10 k and all I could do was ride it all the way to the lake. :)
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Offline 2bighorn

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Re: Deck merges in dueling
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2010, 12:25:27 PM »
The rudder gets me into lots of trouble. I was fighting with bighorn in the TA the other day and had My F4u turning like a zeke for about 2 turns. Then I got this weird stall. the thing went nose down and wasn't quite  spinning it would just turn left to right. When I'd think I had caught it it wold snap back the other way. I was about 10 k and all I could do was ride it all the way to the lake. :)

As I've said in TA, you have to learn to control the plane at all speeds, using all the controls, which simply means you need more practice.

If I'd be you, I'd forget about all the technical ACM details since they just distract at the moment and just practice riding the edge, stall recovery, etc.
Perhaps adjusting axis scaling for rudder a bit. That's it...

Offline Big Rat

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Re: Deck merges in dueling
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2010, 01:22:34 PM »
The Rudder is something you have to be carefull with, now more then it was a few updates ago.  You can only hold it for so long, before stuff gets interesting in a bad way.  As with what bighorn said, a lot is learning the very edge of the flight envelope.  Even this has to be constantly reinforced.  As any regular in the TA will tell ya, I'm often seen stall practicing over A1.  Trying to get the plane into bad situations and recover from them, also practicing things like how slow can I do a rolling scissors, exactly how long can I hold a lot of rudder input at this speed, etc..  The main thing is to not get frustrated with it and keep working on it.  As you know there are plenty of good hog sticks that visit the TA.

When you think the fight might be going bad, it already has.
Becoming one with the Hog, is to become one with Greatness, VF-17 XO & training officer BigRat

Offline mtnman

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Re: Deck merges in dueling
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2010, 01:29:22 PM »
It'll do that, but that's part of learning how to use it and get the most out of it.  Like a lot of other things, using it either excessively, or not enough, will get you into trouble.  In the F4U, you need to be managing a lot of things at the same time.  Throttle, rudder, flaps, etc..  It's a great plane, but it isn't an easy plane to fly well.  It doesn't react well if you over-control, or if you drop flaps and leave them down, or use too much or too little rudder or elevator.  It's a very "busy" plane to fly.

Keep in mind, too, that a great recipe for a spin is rudder and elevator while near a stall.  You're going to be flirting with those conditions A LOT.  Don't avoid the rudder, or the stalls, or the spins; just learn to handle them quickly and efficiently.  I'd head into the TA, and fly some aerobatics-type flights, just to get yourself into some of those conditions, and get back out of them.  Practice them high at first, and then get lower.  Learn to recover, and recover quickly.  Learn to ride the extreme "edge" of controllable flight.  I'm not one that "uses" stalls, spins, etc in a fight, but I sure get into them enough!

Think SSSMMMMOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTHHHHHH as much as possible.  Smooth doesn't mean necessarily mean slow movements.  Things can be done quickly, as long as they're done smoothly.

And actually, since it's a game, and you don't really die, those nasty stalls are actually helpful.  They require some effort and precise control to get out of, and that helps you learn.  You'll get into those stalls while fighting too, and at first they generally mean you die.  Eventually though, you learn to "fix things" without even thinking about them.  Which is good, because you'll be too busy thinking about your opponent to be able to dwell on getting your nose down, chopping throttle, opposite rudder, building speed, and pulling out smmmmoooooottttthhhhlllyy...  You need to get to the point where flying the plane is something you don't really consider.  And recovering is just flying, so you don't want to be thinking about that either.  Just do it; while keeping your head in the fight.  That only comes with a lot of practice.  Heck, I'm still practicing it!  Whenever I'm in the TA, and I'm not actively working with someone, that's exactly what I'm doing.  Stalling, spinning, recovering.  Getting myself in all sorts of trouble, and getting out of it.  Or getting myself ALMOST in trouble, and seeing how close I can push things.

Here's an example-  If you watch it with my views enabled, you'll see that even though I'm spinning in a pretty nasty way, I'm actually looking for my opponent in the beginning and end of it.  I don't have time to let my SA lapse while I recover.  There's a point in there where I'm forced to get my head back inside the cockpit, because the water is actually a bigger threat at that point.  As soon as I get my nose down, though, I'm looking for him again.

There's a point at 19 seconds in that's similar in situation to where you were in film 49 at 3:32.  I don't need to get my nose down as far as you did, but I'm ready to...  Then, I see him roll level and lift his nose, so I don't need to go down at all; but, see how my flight-path is below his at that point, so going up I'm "following" him, instead of leading him?  I get greedy on the shot, try to shove my nose where I want it with rudder, and bang, I'm in trouble.

Here's another one, where I actually stall a few times in the fight.  Notice again that although I'm in the process of recovering, I'm still watching my opponent.  And, once your nose is down, you can roll to keep him where you need him, as long as you don't pull hard on the elevator.

Here's a film of an F4U vs F4U MA fight, where we get to play with the rolling scissors.  Watch the use of lag and lead pursuit, and you can also see how I use the rudder to speed up my roll when I want to.  This is also one where being able to control the plane when slow is important, after the rolling scissors is finished.


"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline Bosco123

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Re: Deck merges in dueling
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2010, 05:01:23 PM »
I apogize for not talking to you a little more when we had the duel, just had to take care of somethings outside of the game. But here is from my side of the film
Skifurd AKA "Bosco"
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Offline wgmount

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Re: Deck merges in dueling
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2010, 05:14:48 PM »
No problem Bosco. Seems my practice has ended for a couple weeks now anyway. My computer died this morning and the replacement won't be here until 6/24.
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Offline TnDep

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Re: Deck merges in dueling
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2010, 08:15:52 AM »
It's hard for me to watch a film and critique what your doing wrong especially since your already a good pilot.  I saw one instance that your nose is going to much nose down instead of being in a pure pursuit position for a sec.  I do better teaching by being your opponent - looked like you handled him pretty well I'd have to go back in look but what was your speed vs his in the bottom of the scissors - it appeared he was working more throttle then you.  Anyways you know I'm always willing to help if you want to do some duels. 
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 09:10:35 AM by TnDep »
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Offline morfiend

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Re: Deck merges in dueling
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2010, 12:05:04 PM »
As I've said in TA, you have to learn to control the plane at all speeds, using all the controls, which simply means you need more practice.

If I'd be you, I'd forget about all the technical ACM details since they just distract at the moment and just practice riding the edge, stall recovery, etc.
Perhaps adjusting axis scaling for rudder a bit. That's it...


  Wgmount,we both know Big and if he's saying this to you I'd suggest you listen and do what he says,Oh and we both could use some practice shooting!!!! :rofl :rofl
