Naturally, I agree with the posts above concerning the good points of USB. It is the only way to go, and you will never go back.
However, take this from the guy who wrote and posted all those Saitek x36 Aces High Profiles, unless your broke stay away from Saitek. The Saitek software is very poorly written, and if run the way they set it up it will take up valuable resources on your computer. Their product support is lacking. In fact you'll even find that RonHunt, the guy who provided that Saitek support web site for years, has given up on Saitek as well.
I would strongly recommend you purchase the new CH USB gear from throttle, to stick, to pedals. The equipment is top line, the programming is excellent and does not take up resources, and the support is always excellent at CH.
If you don't have the coins, Saitek is the cheapest. If you can afford it, CH is the only way to go.
Take it from the guy who has had both, and I'll be glad to send you my CH map to get you started if you need it.
Ranger Bob