Author Topic: Todays SEC setup, last Battle of Okinawa  (Read 326 times)

Offline dhyran

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Todays SEC setup, last Battle of Okinawa
« on: December 26, 2010, 11:05:45 AM »

Welcome to SEC "Okinawa"
 an Aces Highİ event!

Event is open for everyone, welcome!

Start time 8:00pm UK, 21:00 CET, 10:00pm EET (Finland/Russia), 3:00pm EST

designed and hosted by dhyran


The Battle of Okinawa, codenamed Operation Iceberg, was
fought on the Ryukyu Islands of Okinawa and was the largest
amphibious assault in the Pacific War. The 82-day-long battle
lasted from early April until mid-June, 1945. After a long
campaign of island hopping, the Allies were approaching Japan,
and planned to use Okinawa, a large island only 340 miles
away from mainland Japan, as a base for air operations on
the planned invasion of Japanese mainland.

Most of the air-to-air fighters and the small dive bombers
and strike aircraft were U.S. Navy carrier-based airplanes.
The Japanese had used kamikaze tactics since the Battle
of Leyte Gulf, but for the first time, they became a major
part of the defense. Between the American landing on
April 1 and May 25, seven major kamikaze attacks were
attempted, involving more than 1,500 planes.
The U.S. Navy sustained greater casualties in this operation
than in any other battle of the war!

Aircraft losses over the three-month period were 768
United States planes including those bombing the Kyushu
airfields launching kamikazes. Combat losses were 458,
and the other 310 were operational accidents. Japanese
aircraft losses were 7,830 over the same period, including
2,655 to operational accidents. Navy and Marine Corps
fighters downed 3,047, while shipboard antiaircraft
felled 409, and B-29s destroyed 558 on the ground

Okinawa will be played also with the damage carryover rule

Damage carryover rule for frames 1,2 and 3
The setup for frames 1,2 and 3 is the same
and any damage done to JAP fields, radars etc.
in this frame will carry over to the next frame.
This way the US can for example
destroy certain key radars and create a tactical Situation for the
next frames.

Rules about lives
Everybody has two lives per frame. You loose a life
if you get anything else than "landed successfully".

That means that you will have to land successfully
at any friendly base. This gives the JAP a slight
advantage, since they are fighting above friendly territory.

Each player is responsible of counting their own lives and is
expected to honor the rules and fellow players.
Using more than two lives
is visible from the logs after the event.

Frame 3:

Bishops, 50% of participants

Planes available:
At Carriers
- F4U1a, F4u1-c, F4U1D, F4U-4, F6F
B17 B24 P38 P47 P51

-Start from C1 C2 C3 C4 A18
-Primery target: Attack V19 V20 and Capture it!!!
-Secondary target: disable the okinawa Radar net, Capture A21

CV close to okinawa

Knights, 50% of participants

at A 22 A 25
- A6M5 KI61 KI84 NIkJ
- Bombers G4m KI67

-Primery target: Capture back V15 A16!!!
-Secondary target: Sink as many ships as you can, minimum 5 Ships


Arena Settings
Terrains: Okinawa
Event start, game time: 16:30
Time multiplier: 1.0
Icons: Icon range 2.5k (~7500) friendly
and enemy Iconrange 1k
Fuel Multiplier: 1.0
Radar: Axis - tower radar range 65000, dar bar range 150000
 (about one full sector), 2min update rate
Allies - Tower radar range 65000, 2min update rate
Killshooter: Off.
Friendly collisions: Off.
Kill messages: Off.
2 lives for every player!!!!!!!

dhyran  - retired  CO  ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~

Offline dhyran

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Re: Todays SEC setup, last Battle of Okinawa
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2010, 02:43:32 PM »
Medals and Badges are awarded to ..... go here along:

WTG to all awarded Pilots!



dhyran  - retired  CO  ~<<~Loose Deuce~>>~