Not all soccer players are rutabagas."Everybody was Kung-Fu Fighting"
Tin, have you ever tried playing our version? Although, like most sports, it's more exciting if you're an actual participant.
(Image removed from quote.)
Landing is overrated.
It's not about how tough your chosen sport is, obviously, any sport that involves spandex and shoulder pads is going to appeal to a certain cross section of society, your version of football just isn't my cup of tea though.
Ice hockey. Here is some history on how the game (or fight) was invented. The good looking gay people make it to figure scatting. Well, the ugly gay people had to have a sport and therefore, we have ice hockey. Bahahahahahahahahaha
Back on topic, this video is epic and brings me to tears IRL:
That is just soooooooo wrong.
(SOMEBODY is just bitter that Greece is out...)
Wow, you guys need help.