"Yes, TY for this bad idea of new radar and noe altitude settings. angry
I hope that before You take these kind of decisions You will considerer ppl opinions. old
Lulu just what do you think that sounds like? To me it sounds like a child who was playing with a toy in an improper manner, ie useing that truck to bash a piece of furniture. And that toy was taken away. As a result your wailing away at the top of your lungs. Angry, and upset about something that you did!
With all due respect sir, listen to the "tone" of what you said, and the way you said it.
And then remember a couple of things.
A: This is Hitechs sandbox, we are allowed to play in it as long as we play nice.
B: When Hitech says somethings going to change, guess what, its going to change. Its HIS sandbox.
C Coming here and insulting him because he made a change you don't agree with is the very definition of a whine. From Websters Dictionary" to utter a high-pitched plaintive or distressed cry "
Now if you had said something like.
"Hitech, sir with all due respect, I disagree with your change of the radar settings. And this is why.......................... .................."
You would not have gotten the response from me that you got.
You want respect, it starts with you showing it.
Do you really think that he did not consider people's opinions of these changes before he made them?
Really? You really think he's that stupid?
I don't, I think he is perhaps the smartest, most intelligent man I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
His think box is on all the time, and unlike most folks he uses it all. Ohhh and just for the record my own IQ was measured at over 200 back when I was young.
Aces High if you take the long long view, seeing it all over the years is a history of change.
Many many things have changed many many times. Almost all of them for the better. If you can separate yourself from your emotions and truly take the long view.
This is just one more in a long long list of changes that helps keep AH alive and well.