Given that the WWI is forever going to be just a furball lake, it REALLY would be nice to have some historical or even semi-historical, or even just semi-realistic WWI scenarios to wet the thirst of those who would like a little more depth than the mosh pit (which in itself is fine mindless fun and target practice). Without trying to change the WWI arena, the compromise is to have cool special events. That'll be where I hope to get my historical fix, not the meat-grinder.
Balloons would be nice someday. Tanks, bombers, supply trains, zeppelins, troop/truck convoys to strafe

, etc.....
But even with what we have now we could do something couldn't we?
Dawn aerodrome raid: One side is forced to delay takeoff until just before a enemy patrol reached their field. A couple of manned ack….Sirens, planes scrambling to get airborne. One of these missions for each side. Scored on net kills.
Convoy Attack: and convoy of supply trucks are scheduled to pass along a stretch of road. A squadron of fighters are sent out to strafe. Defending squadron to intercept. One of these missions for each side. Scored on net kills, +-Destroyed trucks.
Fighter Sweep: Take a squadron to a specified sector. Find and destroy any enemy aircraft. An enemy squadron is coming the other direction with similar orders. Camels vs. Fokkers. A couple of these scattered across a front. Scored on net kills.
Observers and Escorts: F.2b as fast observers. Camels for escort. D.VII interceptors. The observers must pass over a set of points behind enemy lines. To get full credit they must overfly all points and land back at base to deliver film. They can either choose to throttle back and keep escort near, or firewall it and hope their speed keeps them alive. Scored on net kills +-successfully photo’d waypoints.
What else???
It doesn't have to be super fancy. The WWI will never be as big an event as the WWII stuff. But the WWII guys at least have the MA to get a little goal-oriented flying. The WWI flyers desperately need something to give them a little immersion and mission context.
I won’t bother arguing to add strat to the WWI arena, but I’d dearly love to fly some events.
Come on.
I’ll give ya a dollar.
