Well yesterday I got my new Force Feedback Takstar headphones. I was totally blown away by the absolute immersion they give you, the FFB feature is more of a base/strike/shock emulator, its hard to describe but when in my 51 the throbbing and humming of the engine really emerses you in the whole flight experence, it doesent feel like the headphones are shaking, it feels like your whole body is being rumbled about. this is the most amazing thing i have ever experenced in the sound arena of gameing. I used to have a $1000 Bose acoustic waveform system that i used both on my comp and tv but now i only use it on the TV because it doesent come close to the level of...depth these $40 headphones gives me, plus the neighbors are no longer woken up at 3am by same kinda hellish Rogue Spear frag fest. I cannot describe how these thing feel its one of them gotta be there things but this is the best $40 I have EVER spent! If your in the market for new speakers or sound upgrade of any kind, you should seriously give these puppies a look.