30th AG sucks. Its a horrible place to be introduced to the Infantry. Keep your ego in check, remember that you havent done sh*t yet, you just volunteered to do it. The guys with wreaths around a rifle on their chest, respect them. Stay off Victory Drive. You dont need anything they are selling there. Its called VD for a reason. Try not to blow your whole paycheck at Ranger Joes the first time you go there, you dont need all that cool guy stuff. Be like a sponge, listen to everything they say. Dont just learn from your mistakes, learn from your buddy's. You wont make the time limits, but make it look like you are trying. As for the voluntering, I say volunter for everything. I made a habit out of it, ended up with some pretty cool stuff through out my years. (I.E Malaysian Combat Tracking, EMT school, SOTIC MTT, Performace Shooting) Just keep in mind that its all a game. They will win, let them. Just learn the lesson they are teaching. Its all worth it when they hang that Blue Cord off your shoulder. And when you do get to your unit, and someone asks you where you went to Basic, DO NOT say "Ft. Benning". They know that much, thats where we all went.