Author Topic: Re Learning the TE  (Read 691 times)

Offline Raptor

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Re Learning the TE
« on: July 09, 2010, 01:30:27 PM »
I think the most difficulty I am having is getting started with the new TE. Everything appears to be the same except actual laying down the terrain.
I understand the brushing and manual laying out of terrain. However, I have a few questions about some things:

1.) How do I select which terrain type I want it to be? (Pacific vs European)

2.) What is the groundtype.bmp mentioned in another thread?

3.) In my Midway terrain, I "brushed" land under the islands but CV task groups can still go through, how much "land" is necessary to prevent CV waypoints from being laid?

Offline mrmidi

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Re: Re Learning the TE
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2010, 07:44:42 PM »
Sorry Raptor I used the incorrect name of the file.
The correct name is "gndtype.bmp". This file is a greyscale bit map image
that tells the TE what tiles to place where. It is created when you start a new terrain,
or if you are converting an old terrain, the TE reads the old .typ file and creates
a gndtype.bmp file from it.

Bellow are the RGB values of each tile.

RGB Values

      0 = ntt0000     
     17 = ntt0001     
     34 = ntt0002   
     51 = ntt0003   
     68 = ntt0004   
     85 = ntt0005
    102 = ntt0006
    119 = ntt0007
    136 = ntt0008
    153 = ntt0009
    170 = ntt0010
    187 = ntt0011
    204 = ntt0012

Bellow are what each tile is.

ntt0000  Deep water  ntt0000 will always be deep water
ntt0001  Grass
ntt0002  Forest 1 (evergreen)
ntt0003  Forest 2 (deciduous)
ntt0004  Farm 1
ntt0005  Farm 2
ntt0006  Rock
ntt0007  Swamp
ntt0008  Rocky Grass
ntt0009  Sandy Grass
ntt0010  Beach
ntt0011  River bed /
ntt0012  Snow / Coral

These are the names for the "Pacific" set of terrain tiles and textures.
The "ETO" textures would be

ntt1001  Grass
ntt1002  Forest 1 (evergreen)
ntt1003  Forest 2 (deciduous)
ntt1004  Farm 1
ntt1005  Farm 2
ntt1006  Rock
ntt1007  Swamp
ntt1008  Rocky Grass
ntt1009  Sandy Grass
ntt1010  Beach
ntt1011  River bed /
ntt1012  Snow / Coral

To have the TE use the "ETO" tile set create a text file in your
terrains root folder called "defset.txt" and in this file put simply the number 1 nothing else.

To Blend 2 textures outside of the editor:

RGB values for blending formula: (texture A ntt number * 16 + texture B ntt number) = blended RGB

So say we want to blend ntt0001 with ntt0010: (1 / 10)

01 * 16  = 16
16 + 10  = 26
26 is rgb for ntt0001/ntt0010 blend

or we can blend ntt0012 and ntt0006 (12 / 6)

12 * 16 = 192
192 + 6 = 198
198 is RGB for ntt0012/ntt006 blend

Hope this helps. Let me know if you still have trouble.

I'm not sure yet about the land  for the way point's yet.

You can paint textures under the water by using the following naming wnttXXXX.bmp.
You can the edit your waterd.bmp file (which stands for "Water Depth") and create shallows near the shore lines and in coves and lagoons and such.
In the waterd.bmp file RGB value of 255 is land and 0 is deep ocean. so if you had a value of 254,253,252
near the shores the water would be shallow there and progressively get deeper as your number value comes down.

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Offline Raptor

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Re: Re Learning the TE
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2010, 03:32:34 PM »
When I try to add a new grntype.bmp (greyscale) the TE crashes until I delete it. Know what may be causing this?

Offline NHawk

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Re: Re Learning the TE
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2010, 04:02:38 PM »
When I try to add a new grntype.bmp (greyscale) the TE crashes until I delete it. Know what may be causing this?
There are two reasons I found that cause the TE to crash when doing this.

1) The BMP isn't really grayscale.

2) The size of the BMP is wrong.

But remember, I'm just catching up with things so I could be wrong ;)
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