Author Topic: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?  (Read 748 times)

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CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« on: July 17, 2010, 10:59:39 AM »

Does anybody wish to share their F4U CH setup concerning Fighterstick and Pro Throttle?

I am looking for ideas.

As always, thanks for any help.


Offline mtnman

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2010, 12:59:15 PM »

Does anybody wish to share their F4U CH setup concerning Fighterstick and Pro Throttle?

I am looking for ideas.

As always, thanks for any help.


I keep the stick in my right hand, and the throttle in my left...  Just kidding... 

What are you looking for specifically?  You shouldn't have to adjust your stick settings for a particular plane.  If you're going to fly one plane specifically, you'll probably end up tailoring your mappings for that, but it isn't really necessary.

I fly F4U's exclusively, and I fly in fighter mode apart from about a dozen hops per year.  My set-up is geared to flying/fighting, but not so much for dropping bombs/rockets.

I don't use a CH stick either (X52 here) but I'll share some of the key points in my set-up.  You need to be able to multi-task certain functions.  You need to be able to do all the "normal" flight controls, while being able to check all of your views, and manipulate flaps, all at the same time, without looking away from the monitor (ideally).

That basically means you want as many things mapped to the stick/throttle as possible, and only have to use the keyboard occasionally.

On my stick, I've mapped my views to the HAT switch, and have a "Look Up" button mapped to my pinkie.  With that one hand (and my rudder pedals) I can do all my flying and all of my "normal" viewing.

With my left hand, I manipulate the throttle, flaps, and adjust my view by sliding my head left/right.  I have a 4-way switch mapped that while my hand is on the throttle, the switch is lying under the tip of my index finger.  Pulling the switch up drops flaps, pushing it forward raises them. 

If I bump the switch l/r, my heads slides l/r like it does when you use the arrow keys to adjust your views.  This allows me to easily see around the headrest while checking my six.  I leave my default six-view straight back (so I'm looking at the headrest), and slide my head l/r as the situation dictates.  I used to keep my head cheated way over to one side or the other for this view, but no longer do that.  If I need to look around the headrest to the right, it takes too long if my head is already cheated to the left...

I don't use gear for fighting.  But, I do have a button on my throttle to hit if I want it raised/lowered.  I also have  a button on my throttle (my thumb lies on it) that's toggled to "zoom".  And a second HAT switch on my stick that pushes the zoom in/out.  I have vox (range and channel) mapped to the stick too (but if I'm talking, I can't be using my views since I only have one right thumb).

This set-up allows me to manipulate all of the flight controls, while handling all my views, at the same time, without ever looking away from the screen. 

The short-coming is that I don't have easy access to rockets and bombs.  I have those functions mapped to my keyboard (but I do have a "fire secondary" mapped to my throttle).  I also go to the keyboard for rotating my fuel tanks.  Those functions aren't as important though, so I'm ok with that.  One thing I've done with my keyboard mapping is get rid of the "shift-" and "crtl-" functions.  Auto-level for me is just plain "x", instead of the default (which I think was "Shift-x"?).  Same goes for auto-angle and auto-speed, etc...

I'm also not set up all that efficiently for flying bombers or GV's.  I could set up different profiles for them, but I don't use those vehicles enough to matter.  In the off-chance that I fly something other than an F4U, my set-up works fine for those too.


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Offline SAJ73

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2010, 07:27:59 PM »
I use a Logitech Freedom 2.4 cordless twistystick, and I also fly F4U's most of the time. My setup is pretty close to what mtnman have actually.
I have one 8way tophat, that is used for views offcourse.. But I have 4 buttons around the tophat that are also view related. While I have the tip of my right thumb on the tophat I can also operate the 2 buttons behind the tophat at the same time. (It took some practice, but it is doable to operate them at the same time as I am operating the tophat) The left button of the two I have set to look straight up, so if I apply sideview with my tophat at the same time I can look up in a sideview angle also. The right button I have set to look behind, and that view is set to one side of the headrest. The reason I use a button for behind views is just a matter of testing out what works best for me, and when I pull back my tophat I look front down, and when I push it I look front up. That's just what works best for me.
The two buttons infront of tophat is for respectively internal and external views, since I used to fly in DA alot while I came up with this setup.

On the bottom left side of my stick I have 4 buttons and one slider. The slider is trottle, operated by my left thumb. Two of the four buttons are located ontop of each other, the upper one I use for raise flaps and the lower one for lowering flaps. I always rest my index finger on the upper button, and my middle finger on the lower button while operating trottle with my thumb, because flaps is really in constant action while fighting in a F4U. And it is really handy to be able to operate them while multitasking trottle/views/wep & twisting and turning the plane without having to look at the keyboard for flaps just as mtnman pointed out.

The other two buttons are located between the trottle and my flap buttons, one for raise/lower gear and one for check6 calls.

And I have the wep set to the right hand thumb button that most people use for taters or bombs, because I find it very useful to have the wep in close reach without having to look at my keyboard for it also. Especially flying the F4U..  :aok  

I might also add that I have mapped a few selected buttons to a few of the keys on the right side of the keyboard, such as zoom, and sideslide of views. And while flying I have my stick placed so close to the keyboard that I easily reach those buttons with my left little finger whilst operating everything else on the stick without having to look away from my screen.    :salute   ;)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 07:45:35 PM by SAJ73 »

Offline Patches1

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2010, 08:01:25 PM »
I fly all CH gear. I have no special set-up for the F4U; I set all of my view for the best I can get, and fly from there.

Spend some time in the TA, or in the DA, and set up your views...all of the views I've set up for the F4U work very well for all
of the other aircraft. I don't use the CH Manager...I c

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2010, 08:03:16 PM »
Sorry....I calibrate in windows first, then in Aces High.  That's all I do.

"We're surrounded. That simplifies the problem."- Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, General, USMC

Offline Blagard

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2010, 09:12:16 PM »
As Patches1 has indicated, you will generally find one set up will deal with all aircraft etc in AH.

As for what to map to each button, there are enormous variations on this and you may be lucky to find two people who have the same set up!
By all means try something that some-one has already set up, but don't be afraid to give it a go at mapping that suits you. Aircraft like the F4u use flaps in fighting, so this needs to available for easy use and not assigned somewhere otherwise uncomfortable.

I rarely fly aircraft with flaps for combat use and can tell you that my set up is less than ideal. I use the centre 8 way on the CH throttle for views but have the flaps on the four way hat below it. To use flaps I would have to take my thumb off the "view" hat for a moment. Losing sight of the enemy is a sure fire way of getting yourself killed, so give it some thought yourself. I can't even use my right thumb either because that is on a hat for the up/down view element! A solution to my set up would be to put flaps up/down on two of the "finger" buttons on the CH throttle. Hmm I think I might just try that - Years of doing it one way, time to confuse myself by trying it another!

Offline Blagard

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2010, 01:28:45 PM »
A solution to my set up would be to put flaps up/down on two of the "finger" buttons on the CH throttle. Hmm I think I might just try that - Years of doing it one way, time to confuse myself by trying it another!

Well I tried this and it works fine. Reading the other posts they got there first. I ended up swaping my old flaps arrangement with two special views on the buttons. For your information both the views were straight ahead but with the head moved either left or right to look over the cowling for a better view. I did these views using KP 7&2 and 9&2 and set 7&2 to see over the left side. I don't remember where I picked up the information on using those key combinations together, only that it works to give other forward views you can tweak and save using the F10 key !

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2010, 06:59:05 PM »
Key 7&2 and 9&2 meaning front down views slightly to left or right.. If you map a button aside of your tophat for straight down view, (straight down into the seat) then you can press this while you use your tophat in any direction for slightly down views all around you..  :aok
I have one of the buttons on keyboard set to the straight down view, since my stick don't have enough buttons on it. 
You can still tweak the view setting with arrow zoom keys and F10 for your best desired setting, just remember to hold both buttons while saving F10. With this key combination I can "lean over the edge", kinda zoomed all the way to the edge of the canopy all the way around me so I can look down to the ground all around the cockpit.  ;)

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2010, 07:31:12 PM »
Key 7&2 and 9&2 meaning front down views slightly to left or right..

7 is the front left view, 2 is the rear view, together they actually give the equivalent of 8 (straight ahead)
Likewise 9 and 2.

If while holding 7 and 2 use the left arrow key to move the head to the left, then hit F10 to save
Using both combinations you then have a total of 3 straight ahead views. It's just that with the head shifted left or right you get to see more over the nose without using the one of those quarter views. - I use them to track an enemy in a low forward position, especially when turning with them.

You need two spare buttons to set these views - with CH gear that is not usually a problem!

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2010, 07:53:16 PM »
7 is the front left view, 2 is the rear view, together they actually give the equivalent of 8 (straight ahead)
Likewise 9 and 2.

If while holding 7 and 2 use the left arrow key to move the head to the left, then hit F10 to save
Using both combinations you then have a total of 3 straight ahead views. It's just that with the head shifted left or right you get to see more over the nose without using the one of those quarter views. - I use them to track an enemy in a low forward position, especially when turning with them.

You need two spare buttons to set these views - with CH gear that is not usually a problem!

Ah, yes offcourse you are right. My laptop doesn't have a numeric keypad, and it is a few years since I played with a keyboard having the keypad. So I did not remember correct here about the num 2 key..  :o

Does this combo give the same effect as straight forward view+arrow keys to the side does?! Because that's what I do when in a situation as described, I just slide my view to the desired side of the nose.. You just use this combo to get it saved to a specific button?!
Because when I use the arrow keys I don't save F10, I just leave it for as long as I need and then push my tophat to get back to the middle wich is saved..

Wish I had a keypad so I could test this with..
« Last Edit: July 19, 2010, 08:07:13 PM by SAJ73 »

Offline Blagard

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2010, 07:05:46 AM »
Does this combo give the same effect as straight forward view+arrow keys to the side does

Yes  :aok

Offline dmdchief

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Re: CH Fighterstick / Pro Throttle Setup for F4U ?
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2010, 08:29:58 AM »
Are you asking for the settings file?  If so send me an email as I can't attach it here.