What should AGP aperature size in the bios be usually?
I just built up a system with an Athlon XP 1600, 512 PC 2100 RAM, ASUS A7G266 MB and (for right now) an ASUS 7100 GeForce2MX.
I believe the bios defaulted to 32MB on the AGP aperture size. Seemed small, but I didn't change it.
Anyway, there was no noticeable improvement in AH framerate over my old system. I have an old Abit BH6 running an O/C Celeron @ 850, 512 on the RAM (didn't ya just love WW2OL?) and an eVGA GeForce2GTS 32MB.
I'm sure puzzled. I thought the Athlon system would be faster even with the MX card.
Am swapping out the cards today and putting the GeForce2GTS into the Athlon.
(Even if it isn't faster, I'll finally have a computer that the kids/and wife have been warned NOT to touch under penalty of death.
They'll have the old one to totally FUBAR to their hearts content. )