Author Topic: Version 2.20  (Read 2066 times)

Offline Pyro

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Version 2.20
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:18:50 PM »
Version 2.20 is now available for download.  There is a new hi-res texture pack as well so make you download that if you are using a max texture size of 1024.

Version 2.20 Changes

Updated fields and towns with new shapes and layouts.

The game now launches in Windowed mode after fixing issues related to that.

The sound system is now using the Miles sound system after fixing issues related to that.

Updated clipboard field maps for the new layouts.

Changed the gunsight reticle so that the mil size remains constant when your head position is moved.

Added an option for a max texture size of 2048.  This will be used in the future as new planes begin to use 2048 textures for the cockpit interiors.  You will need to have the hi-res texture pack installed to use 1024 or 2048 textures.

Fixed a bug in SdKfz 251 that prevented blast damage from registering.

Dead terrain objects now collide with bullets.

Fixed a bug on a number planes that caused pilot armor to not transfer damage to the pilot when it’s threshold was reached.

Relative bearing is now displayed in the upper left corner of the screen when you are in a gunner position.

Added armor info for vehicles in hangar menu next to the speed and climb charts.

Found errors in the thickness of the T-34 turrets.   The T-34/76 front turret armor was too thin, and the turret of the T-34/85 was using the same values as the T-34/76 when it should be thicker.

Added the ability to change the mil width of a gunsight on a per sight basis.  To change a sight’s max mil width, add a file containing a single text line with the number of mils desired (i.e. 256 for a 256 mil sight) into the sights folder with the same base name as the sight with a .mil extension.  Example: default.bmp needs a file.   The default gunsights are 128 mils in width.

Added a vertical and horizontal line to the offline .target feature.

Returned the old smoke trails to the large bombardment guns

Added manned 17 pounder anti-tank guns to vehicle fields and ports.

Head position boundaries are no longer required to be square or rectangular. 

Changed the jet engine sound from stereo to mono.

Fixed a bug that caused offline WW1 drones to sometimes fly at the same alt and speed as the WW2 planes.

Changed the force feedback stall effect to come on with the stall buffet sound instead of the stall horn.

Fixed minor drawing and sorting issues on the D3A, SBD, B-26, Fw 190, and B5N.

Changed where the fuselage fire is drawn on the Ki-67.

The Ju 88 and B-26 both had one prop with reversed pitch in the shape.

Fixed an issue that could cause video settings to switch to performance settings when exiting the game.